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The significance of Pinckney’s Treaty (1795) with Spain. 

A) It gave the United States the right to navigate the Mississippi.

B) It gave the United States most-favored nation status

C) It allowed Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Territory. 

D) It moved the Shawnee to the Indiana Territory.   

What is It gave the United States the right to navigate the Mississippi?


Why did many Mormons migrate to the western United States? 

A) to pursue gold mining 

B) to avoid the slavery conflict

C) to take advantage of cheap farmland 

D) to escape religious persecution

What is to escape religious persecution


What strategy did both Martin Luther King Jr. and César Chávez use to achieve social change? 

A) organized labor unions 

B) started riots 

C) created militant demonstrations 

D) led nonviolent boycotts

What is led nonviolent boycotts


Which part of the Compromise of 1850 received the greatest support from Southern Farmers?

A) the admission of California as a free state 

B) the passage of a strict fugitive slave law

C) the end of the slave trade in Washington, D.C. 

D) the allowance of popular sovereignty in new territories

What is the passage of a strict fugitive slave law 


Which invention made western farming more efficient in the mid-1800s? 

A) the Model T 

B) the steel plow 

C) the Bessemer process 

D) the assembly line  

What is the steel plow


Why did the U.S. Congress pass the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798? 

A) to prevent immigrants from joining the Federalist Party 

B) to prevent a war with France

C) to prevent government opposition

D) to prevent immigration from Canada

What is to prevent government opposition?


How has a revival of nativism in the late twentieth century affected recent immigration? 

A) increased support for restricting immigration

B) increased advocacy for unrestricted immigration

C) increased support for higher-paying work opportunities for immigrants

D) increased advocacy for more incentives for businesses to hire non-documented immigrants

What is increased support for restricting immigration?


How did many U.S. families respond to the threat of a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union as the Cold War intensified? 

A) They moved from U.S. cities to the Canadian wilderness. 

B) They urged the U.S. president to improve relations with the Soviet Union. 

C) They organized trips to Moscow to meet with Soviet leaders. 

D) They constructed bomb shelters in their backyards

What is They constructed bomb shelters in their backyards


Why can the Emancipation Proclamation be seen as a diplomatic document? 

A) It made it hard for foreign nations to recognize and support the Confederacy. 

B) It warned European nations to stay out of affairs in the Western Hemisphere. 

C) It called on England and France to sell weapons to the Union army. 

D) It encouraged France to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States.

What is It made it hard for foreign nations to recognize and support the Confederacy.


In the 1830—1850 period, which section of the United States most opposed a protective tariff? 

A) West 

B) Northeast 

C) South 

D) Northwest

What is the South


The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were based on which principle? 

A) the states’ right to nullify acts of the federal government

B) the Supreme Court’s right to nullify acts of Congress

C) Congress’ right to nullify acts of the States

D) The president's right to nullify rulings of the Supreme Court

What is the states’ right to nullify acts of the federal government?


The Watergate scandal is appropriately described by which statement? 

A) It concerned the Nixon administration’s attempt to cover up a burglary at the Democratic National Committee headquarters 

B) It involved the illegal establishment of government agencies to set and enforce campaign standards

C) It involved the choice of the Reagan administration to secretly supply aid to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua 

D) It concerned the secret leasing of federally-owned oil rigs to western ranches. 

What is It concerned the Nixon administration’s attempt to cover up a burglary at the Democratic National Committee headquarters


Which government agency was developed in response to Cold War confrontations? 

A) Federal Bureau of Investigation 

B) Immigration and Naturalization Service 

C) Central Intelligence Agency 

D) Department of Homeland Security

What is the Central Intelligence Agency


Which of these is the strongest evidence of the federal government showing its power over state governments during the Reconstruction period? 

A) the creation of the sharecropping system 

B) the migration of carpetbaggers into southern states 

C) the military occupation of former Confederate States

D) the creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau 

What is the military occupation of former Confederate States


Which statement best explains the increase in sectionalism between 1820 and 1850? 

A) Westward expansion created a heated debate over the nation’s policy concerning American Indians. 

B) Westward expansion caused a recurring debate over the expansion of slavery into the new territories.

C) Westward expansion during the period occurred faster across the northern plains than the southern river deltas. 

D) Westward expansion created a need for government spending to improve transportation.

What is Westward expansion caused a recurring debate over the expansion of slavery into the new territories. 


During Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, which event challenged his strict constructionist philosophy? 

A) the Judiciary Act of 1801 

B) the Embargo Act of 1807 

C) the Louisiana Purchase 

D) the Lewis and Clark Expedition

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


What event during the 1970s resulted in the United States increasing its regulation of nuclear power plants? 

A) the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty 

B) North Korea’s announcement that it had nuclear weapons 

C) the incident at Three Mile Island

D) restrictions created by the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission

What is the incident at Three Mile Island 


Which political trend characterized the era of McCarthyism? 

A) the effort to end the welfare system and remove regulations on U.S. businesses 

B) the willingness to provide political asylum to persecuted people worldwide 

C) the effort to transform the United States into a society based on civil equality 

D) the use of false the accusation of communism as a weapon against political opponents

What is the use of false the accusation of communism as a weapon against political opponents


Which action abolished slavery in the United States? 

A) suspension of habeas corpus 

B) passage of the Thirteenth Amendment 

C) passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 

D) delivery of the Gettysburg Address

What is passage of the Thirteenth Amendment


Which of these activities had the greatest economic impact on the southeastern United States between 1800 and 1860? 

A) shipbuilding 

B) coal mining 

C) logging 

D) cotton farming

What is cotton farming


What impact did the Battle of New Orleans have on the United States in 1815? 

A) It weakened the strength of the U.S. military 

B) It resolved the issue of British impressment of U.S. ships. 

C) It caused the United States to lose access to the Gulf port. 

D) It boosted a sense of patriotism and unity among U.S. citizens.

What is It boosted a sense of patriotism and unity among U.S. citizens?


How did the war in Vietnam hinder President Lyndon B. Johnson’s effort to create the Great Society? 

A) Most of his top advisors resigned because of the escalation of U.S. forces in Southeast Asia. 

B) The war in Vietnam prevented the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965. 

C) The war in Vietnam forced the United States to divert critical funds away from domestic issues. 

D) The war in Vietnam destroyed President Johnson’s election hopes in 1964

What is The war in Vietnam forced the United States to divert critical funds away from domestic issues


According to this excerpt, for what was President Truman arguing? 

Truman Doctrine 

I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted [conquest] by armed minorities or by outside pressures. President Harry Truman, 1947 

A The United States must keep current alliances with foreign nations. 

B) The United States must help protect independent nations from communist aggression. 

C) The United States must support rebels fighting for freedom in foreign nations. 

D) The United States must avoid establishing alliances with foreign nations.

What is The United States must help protect independent nations from communist aggression.


Why did the House of Representatives impeach Andrew Johnson? 

A) The president refused to follow Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan. 

B) The president violated the Tenure of Office Act. 

C) Congress wanted to test the Fifteenth Amendment. 

D) The Supreme Court supported separation of powers.

What is The president refused to follow Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan.


Why did the United States act as an imperial power during the late 1800s? 

A) a need to decrease its military experience 

B) a desire to control oil-producing nations 

C) a need for new markets for its manufactured goods 

D) a desire for new gold mines

What is a need for new markets for its manufactured goods
