Civil War and Reconstruction
Gilded Age
World War I
This was the Confederate general of the Civil War, who led the Confederate army at the battle of Gettysburg. He is viewed as the Heart of the Confederacy
What is Robert E. Lee
As a result of the westward expansion of the United States, A) industrial production in the north decreased. B) agricultural production in the south increased. C) laws were passed to limit immigration from Europe. D) Native Americans were forced to relocate to new territories.
What is D) Native Americans were forced to relocate to new territories
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle impacted the passage of the A) Twentieth Amendment. B) Eighteenth Amendment. C) Nineteenth Amendment. D) Meat Inspection Act in 1906.
What is D) Meat inspection act of 1906
This was the cause of Americas involvement in the Spanish-American War
What is blowing up the USS Maine
This is the telegram intercepted by British individuals that showed an attempted alliance between Mexico and Germany if they attacked the United States
What is The Zimmerman Telegram
This was the compromise to allow California to annexed as a free state, while also allowing the fugitive slave law to be enacted and abolished the slave trade in 1850
What is the Compromise of 1850
This is the term applied to entrepreneurs such as Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, for taking advantage of workers to exploit profits
What is a robber baron
This was Theodore Roosevelts 4 point program to reform business practices and government corruption in the United States
What is the Square Deal
hich of these asserted that the United States had the right to intervene in the affairs of neighboring American countries, to counter threats posed to its security and interests? A) The Fourteen Points B) The Truman Doctrine C) The Roosevelt Corollary D) The Good neighbor Policy
What is C) the Roosevelt Corollary
This alliance consisted of Germany, Austria and the Ottoman Empire
What is the axis powers
This was the battle that turned the war in favor of the Union army
What is the battle of Gettysburg
this is the theory of survival of the fittest, where business owners believed that hard work and determination would outpace laziness and unholiness.
What is Social Darwinism
This was the US president who passed the child labor act in 1913
Who is Woodrow Wilson
Queen Liliuokalani attempted to rid her people of American influence in the late 1800s. Where did she rule? A) Cuba B) Alaska C) Hawaii D) Philippines
What is C) Hawaii
This was Woodrow Wilsons speech on how to end the war
What is The Fourteen Points
Abraham Lincoln's biggest objective in the Civil War was to A) end slavery. B) save the Union. C) destroy the South. D) win the Election of 1864.
What is B) Save the Union
This is a business practice where corporations buy out suppliers to force competitors to buy supplies from them.
What is Vertical Integration
This was a construction project that linked the atlantic ocean to the pacific ocean for trade
What is the Panama Canal
How did U.S. participation in World War I impact U.S. foreign policy in the decade immediately after the war? A) The United States joined the League of Nations. B) The United States strengthened its alliances in Latin America. C) The United States used the military to acquire new territories. D) The United States became isolationist in its diplomatic and political relations.
What is D) The United States became isolationist in its diplomatic and political relations.
Regardless of which state a person lives in, all American citizens enjoy the rights contained in the Constitution and the Amendments thanks to the A) 10th Amendment. B) 14th Amendment. C) 24th Amendment. D) 27th Amendment.
What is B) the 14th amendment
This is act that forbid Japanese immigrants from entering the United States in the early 20th century
What is the gentleman's agreement
This was the movement to use Christianity to fix the social ills of America's urban population
What is The Social Gospel Movement
· the Maine · the Rough Riders · "Yellow Press" · San Juan Hill All of these terms are associated with which conflict? A) World War I B) American Civil War C) Spanish-American War D) The Revolutionary War
What is C) The Spanish-American War
he Espionage Act (1917) and Sedition Act (1918) were both A) vetoed by President Theodore Roosevelt. B) declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. C) unsuccessful attempts to stop criticism against the war. D) significant limitations of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
What is D) Significant limitations of freedom of speech and freedom of the press