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  1. (SS.7.C.3.7) The newspaper headline announces an amendment to the U.S. Constitution

"Times Union: 26th Amendment ratified by North Carolina, the 38th State". Those fighting for their country now have a voice in their government

What was the impact of the passage of this amendment to the U.S. Constitution on the American political process?

Women were allowed to vote in elections in all states.

Citizens from 18 to 20 years of age were allowed to vote in elections.

Those who could not afford to pay poll taxes could still vote in federal elections.

Restaurants and hotels could not practice discrimination against Vietnam veterans.

    Citizens from 18 to 20 years of age were allowed to vote in elections


Which statement best describes the role of government according to the Declaration of Independence?

"The main purpose of government is to expand and glorify the state."

"The main purpose of government is to protect the unalienable rights of individuals."

"The main purpose of government is to protect the rights and actions of the President."

"The main purpose of government is to promote the general welfare of the state."

   "The main purpose of government is to protect the unalienable rights of individuals."


what was the first document that established self-government by creating a direct democracy in the colonies?

                 Mayflower Compact


The diagram below represents different activities.

Freedom of Speech               Right to a speedy trial


Right to bear arms                  Freedom of Religion


Which of the following could go in the missing part of the diagram?

Articles of Confederation

Bill of Rights

14th Amendment

Stamp Act

                         Bill of Rights


(SS.7.C.4.3)What was     the primary reason for the U.S. involvement in Korea and Vietnam?

An  imperialist longing to annex new colonies

A fear of the international spread of communism

The hope of  expanding American frontiers westward. 

A humanitarian desire to help these people improve their economies

     A fear of the international spread of communism


The U.S. Constitution has only had 27 amendments in more than 200 years. Which of the following best explains why this is true?

The process of adding amendments is very complex.

The courts strike down many amendments.

National laws limit the number of amendments.

Changes is society are too small to require amendments

  The process of adding amendments is very complex


(SS.7.C.1.4) The Declaration of Independence included these grievances: 

  • Taxation without representation
  • Limiting judicial powers
  • Quartering troops
  • Dissolving legislatures

Which grievance should be added to the list?

Requiring colonists to send representation to Parliament

Suspending trial by jury in many cases

Ordering colonists to move from Native American land

Allowing the wealthy to avoid local laws 

      Suspending trial by jury in many cases 

  1. (SS.7.C.1.1) The statements below are     from the Declaration of Independence.  
    1. “All      men…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that      among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…”
    2.  “He      has…obstruct[ed] the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to      pass others to encourage their migration hither…” 
    3.  Mankind      are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right      themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed” 
    4.  The      history of the present King of Great Britain is a history…having in      direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these states”      

Which statements reflects the Enlightenment ideas of natural law as expressed by John Locke? 






“All      men…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that      among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…”


A group of teenagers gather quietly on a street corner to protest. Neighbors complain and ask the police to arrest them for getting together as a group. The police refuse. Which of the following best describes the right that the teenagers are afforded that support the police decision?

Right to assemble

Right to bear arms

Right to provide shelter

Right to free speech

                    Right to assemble


The quote below is from President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

“I don’t think that unless a greater effort is made by the government to win popular support that the war can be won out there. In the final analysis, it is their war. They are the ones who have to win it or lose it. We can help them, we can give them equipment, we can send our men out there as advisors, but they have to win it, the people of Vietnam, against the communists.” Based on this quote, which best summarizes the purpose of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?

To prevent the spread of communism

To promote the spread of monarchy

To defend the principles of the Constitution

To protect the natural rights of the Vietnamese

     To prevent the spread of communism


Which of the following can vote on ratifying amendments to the U.S. Constitution?

President and Vice-President

Supreme Court

State Legislatures

U.S. Citizens during a general election

                   State Legislatures


The passage below is from a historical document:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness".

Which document contains this passage?

Declaration of Independence

Articles of Confederation

English Bill of Rights

U.S. Constitution

         Declaration of Independence


(SS.7.C.1.2) The statement below is from the Magna Carta (1215). 

“No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.” 

Which right was guaranteed in this excerpt?

Trial by jury

No taxation without representation

Freedom of press

Freedom of religion

                  Trial by jury


The 4th amendments protests citizens from _________________________________

Cruel and unusual punishment



       career preparation


A sequence of events are shown below.

  • 1923: The Equal Rights Amendment is introduced to Congress
  • 1972: The Equal Rights Amendment is voted on by Congress with a seven year deadline
  • 1977: The Equal Rights Amendment is ratified by 35 states.
  • 1978: The Equal Rights Amendment deadline is extended to 1982
  • 1982: The Equal Rights Amendment fails

Which of the following explains why this did not become a constitutional amendment?

It was not ratified by the President

It was not ratified by the Senate

It was not ratified by 38 states

It was not ratified by 50 states

                It was not ratified by 38 states


An excerpt from "The Declaration of Independence"

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

This excerpt demonstrates how the founding fathers were influenced by which idea?

Enumerated Powers


Natural Rights

Social Contract

           Social Contract


 Below is a timeline.

Year1918--Latvia declares independence

1940--Soviet Union takes over Latvia

1988--Latvian people push for independence

August 1991--Latvia declares independence

September 1991--U.S. president announces full diplomatic recognition of Latvia

September 1991--Latvia joins the United Nations

Which writing encourages the action demonstrated in the timeline?

Common Sense

U.S. Constitution

Mayflower Compact

Articles of Confederation


                    Common Sense 

True or False. Both the 5th and 14th Amendment mentions due process



SS.7.4.3 How did President John F. Kennedy respond to the threat of nuclear missiles in Cuba?

He sent an army of exiles to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs.

He launched air strikes on Cuba to destroy the missile sites.

He placed economic sanctions on both Cuba and the Soviet Union.

He established a blockade around Cuba and threatened a U.S. invasion. 


He established a blockade around Cuba and threatened a U.S. invasion.


How are 14th Amendment due process protections related to the Civil Rights Act of 1968?

Congress may not enact discriminatory housing statutes.

Congress may not enact discriminatory employment policies. 

State legislatures may not enact discriminatory housing statutes.

State legislatures may not enact discriminatory employment policies.

Congress may not enact discriminatory employment policies.


What was one of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence?

Taxation without representation

No trial by jury

Cutting of trade

Keeping standing armies in times of peace


The passage below was written by Thomas Paine in his 1776 pamphlet, Common Sense

And as he hath shown himself such an … enemy to liberty, and discovered such a thirst for ... power, is he, or is he not, a proper man to say to these colonies, "You shall make no laws but what I please"?

Based on this passage, how is the author’s view reflected in the U.S. political system?

The monarchy creates limited government. 

The monarchy supports self-government.

Representatives are appointed.

Representatives are elected.

                  Representatives are elected.


The 10th Amendment gives power to ___________

      The States


The statement below was made by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a January 23, 2013 Senate hearing.   

It has been one of the great honors of my life to lead the men and women of the State Department … nearly 70,000 serving here in Washington, more than 270 posts around the world. They get up and get to work every day, often in difficult and dangerous circumstances, because they believe, as we believe, the United States is the most extraordinary force for peace and progress the world has ever known.

Based on the statement, which is a goal of U.S. policy?

diplomatic alliances

homeland security

citizen protection

avoiding conflict

           diplomatic alliances
