New Deal / Great Depression
Monopoly Money
Populations in America
Context Clues

Which application of a new technology can be attributed to an invention of Thomas Edison?

A Refrigerated railroad cars allowed food to be transported long distances. 

B Light bulbs made it efficient for factory workers to work at night. 

C Diesel engines were used in the production of airplanes. 

D Sonar technology was used to track submarines. 

B - Light bulbs made it efficient for factory workers to work at night.


*quote* Why were country-and-western performers such as Gene Autry popular with U.S. radio audiences during the 1930s? 

A Their art related to the struggles of the period.

B They shared stories of individuals who became wealthy.

C They promoted work programs for rural communities.

D Their art brought attention to global human rights issues. 

A - Their art related to the struggles of the period.


Which 'robber Barron' owned the steel industry?

Andrew Carnegie


During Industrialization Chinese immigration was encouraged because the immigrants made up the majority of the labor force building the...

Transcontinental Railroad


Which of the causes underlying World War I was this provision of the Fourteen Points intended to prevent?

A Nationalism and militarism 

B Blockades and unrestricted submarine warfare 

C Secret treaties and alliances

D Imperialism and self-determination

B Blockades and unrestricted submarine warfare


How did the process shown in this photograph enhance the automobile industry? 

A By speeding up production of automobiles at lower costs 

B By requiring only licensed workers to produce the automobiles 

C By ensuring high-quality automobiles for consumers at higher prices 

D By developing new designs to test automobile safety standards

A By speeding up production of automobiles at lower costs


Which statement best explains how bank failures contributed to the Great Depression? 

A People lost their savings because the government did not insure bank deposits.

B Business could not be done when President Franklin Roosevelt declared a bank holiday.

C The interest rates on bank loans were too high.

D Foreign investors did not invest enough in U.S. banks

A People lost their savings because the government did not insure bank deposits.


What was the most likely result of the publication of images such as this 1906 political cartoon?

A The government passed the Sherman Antitrust Act.

B Private companies refused to import foreign foods.

C The government passed the Pure Food and Drug Act. 

D Labor unions protested unsafe working conditions.

A The government passed the Sherman Antitrust Act.


The Chinese Exclusion Act was put in place in 1882 and stayed active until 1902.What was the main reason given for the creation of these restrictions? 

A Preventing the depletion of natural resources 

B Discouraging anti-American activism 

C Reducing competition for U.S. jobs 

D Addressing a lack of urban housing

C Reducing competition for U.S. jobs


*quote* How does this excerpt reflect a significant turning point in American history? 

A It depicts the reaction to victory in the Spanish-American War.

B It portrays the changing social norms of the Jazz Age.

C It describes the experiences of immigrant workers during the Gilded Age. 

D It details the industrial progress of the post–World War I era

B It portrays the changing social norms of the Jazz Age.


What new technology did FDR use to address the American people during his 'Fireside Chats'?



What was one factor that helped turn the Great Plains into the Dust Bowl in the 1930s? 

A Paying farmers to plant native grasses 

B Increased demand for tobacco after World War I 

C Numerous tornadoes occurring in the region 

D Intense drought in the region

D Intense drought in the region


What was one economic effect of the Spanish–American War? 

A Shipbuilding industries in the United States declined. 

B New free and fair trade treaties were established between the United States and developing countries. 

C The United States gained direct access to additional natural resources and overseas markets. 

D Demand for coal and petroleum as energy sources declined.

C The United States gained direct access to additional natural resources and overseas markets.


Immigration welcome point on the east coast? immigration welcome point on the west coast?

Ellis Island; Angel Island


*quote* Which of the following contributed to President Truman’s decision to issue this order? 

A - A lack of funding for veteran pensions

B Declining enlistment rates during peacetime 

C Discrimination against minority service members

D A desire to repeal the draft 

C Discrimination against minority service members


What changed about movies in the 1920s that now prompted them to be used as political propaganda?

They had sound / dialogue, previously they were silent; 'talkies'


What were some changes for women in the 1920s?

Flapper girls; wore makeup, short dresses, had short hair, could vote, more prominently in the work force


style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts is called what?

yellow journalism


What event made the U.S. an imperial power?

Spanish - American War, gained Puerto Rico as a territory


*chart* Which occurrence was a result of the shift in the number of births that began in 1946?

A The decline of family farming

B The spread of new diseases

C The growth of the suburbs

D The reduction of defense spending 

C The growth of the suburbs


What part of the 14 points was included in the Treaty of Versailles?

League of Nations

Which of the following was a significant effect of New Deal legislation? 

A Income tax rates fell to historic lows. 

B The federal government took on new roles. 

C The regulation of intrastate trade was transferred to the states. 

D States became the sole enforcers of immigration law.

B The federal government took on new roles.


Is known for revolutionizing media by introducing investigative journalism to the public in an effort to take down big business.

Ida Tarbell


Which Civil Rights leader believed they would gain Constitutional Rights through economic security and respectability?

Booker T. Washington


How did the Brown v. Board of Education decision influence the Civil Rights movement? A By discouraging activists from relying on the judicial system 

B By guaranteeing scholarships to minority college students 

C By providing a judicial basis for achieving equality in other areas 

D By eliminating social barriers associated with hiring practices

C By providing a judicial basis for achieving equality in other areas
