Characteristics of Life
Is this Chemistry or Biology?
Cells, Cells they're made of Organelles
Let's get this cell moving!
To breathe or not to breathe
This is the maintenance or regulation of body conditions such as body temperature, blood sugar level, and water balance
What is homeostasis?
There are large carbon compounds in living cells also known as "giant molecules"
What are macromolecules?
This consists of the following three parts: 1) Cells are basic unit of life 2) Cells come from existing cells 3) All organisms are composed of cells
What is the Cell Theory?
This acts as the cell's border and is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded protein "gates"
What is the cell membrane?
This is the process used by producers to convert sunlight to chemical energy in glucose
What is photosynthesis?
The genetic material that codes for proteins of all organisms.
What is DNA?
These are proteins that function to speed up chemical reactions in the cell and can be affected by temperature and pH levels.
What are enzymes?
These are the two types of cells
What are prokaryotic and eukaryotic?
The light dependent reactions which use energy from sunlight to make oxygen, ATP, and NADPH occur here
What is the thylakoid?
There are structures, behaviors, or processes that aid in an organisms survival and are passed on from parent to offspring.
What are adaptations?
This is the attraction between molecules of the same substance (Also a property of water that pulls the molecules together)
What is cohesion?
This is one difference between plant and animal cells
What is plant cells have cell walls? What is plant cells have chloroplasts? What is plant cells have a large vacuole and animal cells have small vacuoles?
Many cells use this type of pump to move ions on one side of the membrane, change shape, and let go of them on the other side (active transport is used)
What is a protein pump?
This is the product of light- independent reactions which occur in the stroma and use ATP, CO2, and NADPH
What is glucose (high energy sugars)?
Cells -> tissues -> organs -> organ systems -> ???
What is organism?
These are a compound with an amino group on one end and a carboxyl group on the other end. There are more than 20 different ones of these found in nature.
What are amino acids?
These organelles are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and are used to synthesize proteins
What are ribosomes?
This is a form of passive transport by which particles tend to move from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration
What is diffusion?
This is the process by which organisms break down food to release its energy. This energy is then stored in ATP
What is cellular respiration?
Type of reproduction that only involves one parent
What is asexual reproduction?
This is the energy that is needed to get a reaction started
What is activation energy?
This is a form of passive transport by which particles tend to move from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration
What is diffusion?
A passive transport that involves the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
What is osmosis?
List one difference and one similarity between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Similarities- Both make ATP (energy) Glycolysis is the first step of both forms of respriration (occurs in the cytoplasm) Differences- Aerobic makes 38 ATP/ Anaerobic makes 2 Aerobic has 3 steps- Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport/ Anaerobic has 2 steps- Glycolysis and fermentation (alcoholic and lactic acid) Aerobic- most organisms use/ Anaerobic used by yeast and bacteria