Federal, State & Local Government
Political Parties
Forms of Government
Foreign Policy

The federal government was meant to possess only limited powers. These are known as ________________ powers.

What "enumerated" or "delegated"?


A group of citizens or voters with similar views on public issues.

What are political parties?


To be a part of this political office you must be 30 years old and a U.S. citizen for at least 9 years.

What is a Senator?


Great Britain is an example of this type of government in which power is held by one person who has been born into the ruling family.

What is Monarchy?


This is any government policy that concerns foreign countries and events taking place outside the United States, such as fighting a war overseas.

What is foreign policy?


The power to tax is an example of this type of power that is shared by the federal and state governments.

What are concurrent powers?


To know where a party stands on the major issues, voter's can look at this.

What is the party's platform?


To run for this office, you must be 25 years old and a citizen for 7 years.

What is the House of Representatives?


This is a type of government where a small group of people rule.

What is Oligarchy?


Foreign Policy is controlled by these two branches of government.

What is the Presidency (Executive Branch) and Congress (Legislative Branch)?


At the state level this person is the head of the Executive Branch.

Who is the Governor?


The U.S. has a "two-party" system which means that two major parties control the elections. Today these are the two major political parties.

What are Democrats and Republicans?


To be a member of the Florida House of Representatives or Florida Senate you must be at least this age.

What is 21?


In ancient Athens, the citizens themselves made the laws and decided what actions the government would take.

What is a Direct Democracy?


The President can negotiate treaties but this group must ratify the treaty by a 2/3 vote.

What is the Senate?


The U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution are similar in these ways.

What are they both have a preamble, articles, and amendments?


There are other parties, known as third parties. Give one example of a third party that exists in the United States.

What are Communist Party, Libertarian Party, Socialist Party, or Green Party?


The first step in amending the Constitution is _______ of Congress must propose.

What is 2/3?


Here in the United States, we elect representatives to make the laws on our behalf.

What is a Representative Democracy/Republic?


This international organization created a giant trade zone in North America, consisting of the United States, Canada and Mexico.

What is NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)?


If there is a stop light out at a major intersection and it is causing a lot of congestion, then you would contact this level of government.

What is your local government?


In today's political system, this issue represents a basic disagreement between Republicans and Democrats.

What are the responsibilities of government?

(Democrats want more government involvement = bigger government; Republicans want less government involvement = smaller government)


This person is limited to 2 four year terms and must be a natural-born citizen.

Who is the President?


Cuba has this type of government in which the government owns and runs all businesses and makes all economic decisions.

What is Communism?


The United States joined this war after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

What is WWII?
