Illegal Practices
Branches of Government
Key Supreme Court Cases
Random Vocab 1
Random Vocab 2

What are Poll taxes?

Taxes on voting- illegal


Executive Branch: 

What is the role?

Who does it consist of? 

Executes and enforces laws

Consists of President and Executive Branch Departments (cabinet)


Marbury Vs. Madison

Court gives itself power of judicial review


What are checks and balances? 


What is separation of powers?

-the distribution and balancing of power among different branches of government so that no one branch is able to get too powerful

-distribution of political power among the branches of government, giving each branch a specific set of responsibilities


What is the articles of confederation?


What is a Democracy?

-First Constitution and government of the United States; failed because federal government was too weak

-a system of government in which rule is by the people, either as a direct democracy where the people make their own laws or as a representative democracy, a republic, in which laws are made by the people’s representatives


Is it legal to grant titles of nobility?

Is it legal to deny equal protection?




Judicial Branch

What is their role? 

Who does it consist of? 

Interprets laws

Consists of US Supreme Court, Federal District Courts and Courts of Appeals


McCulloch Vs. Maryland

 Court makes federal government higher than states


What is civic duty?


What is civic responsibility?

-Thing that citizens of a country are legally obligated to do such as obey laws and register for selective service.

ex. pay taxes

-Thing that citizens ought to do to promote the common good, but may do voluntarily such as community service or donation to charity.

ex. vote


What is Monarchy? 


What is Federalism? 

-a government in which the leader, usually a king or queen, takes power by inheriting it

-a political system in which a national government shares power with regional or state governments; U.S. is an example of this 


What is an Ex Post Facto laws

laws punishing people for things that were legal when the crime was committed


Legislative Branch

What is their role?

Who does it consist of? 

  Makes laws

Congress consists of Two Houses:

House of Representatives: proportional representation by state population

Senate: equal representation: 2 per state


Plessy Vs. Ferguson

Court allowed segregation by race as long as facilities met “separate but equal” standards


What is Due Process of Law? 

and What is Equal Protection? (which amendment)

-constitutional protection that prevents the government from taking rights and freedoms from citizens unless it follows established legal procedures

-requirement of Fourteenth Amendment that forces states to treat all people fairly and equally under the law


What is the Elastic Clause? 


Judicial Review?

-Clause in Article 1 of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to make all laws that are “necessary and proper” to carry out powers given to it under the Constitution.

-the power of the courts to determine whether government actions or laws are constitutional or unlawful


What is using Bills of Attainder?

putting people in prison without a trial


Name 3 or more Key Powers of the Legislative Branch

  1. Lay and Collect taxes

  2. Regulate foreign and interstate commerce.

  3. Coin money.

  4. Grant patents and copyrights.

  5. Create Federal courts.

  6. Declare War.

  7. Raise army and navy.

  8. Make laws for military forces.

  9. Make plan to call out and organize militia.

  10. Make all laws necessary and proper to carry out its expressed powers.

  11. Impeach officials.

  12. Approve Treaties (Senate).

  13. Approve presidential appointments (Senate).

  14. Bring in new states.


Brown Vs. Board of Education

Court struck down “separate but equal” and forced public schools to integrate students by race


What is the Natural Rights of Philosophy? 


What is the Establishment Clause?

-philosophy that all people are born with rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or property that cannot be given or taken away by governments without due process of law

-part of the First Amendment that prohibits the government from passing any law that creates a national religion or that favors one religion over others


What is the Parliamentary System?


What is Socialism?

-system of government in which power is concentrated in a legislature; the legislature selects the chief executive from among its members

-economic system in which the government owns or controls many of the means of production


(You're lucky for getting this)

Is it allowed that government officials have to pass religious tests in order to have governmental roles?



Name 2 key roles of the executive branch and 2 key roles of the judicial branch

Executive Branch:

  1. Execute the law.

  2. Enforce the law.

  3. Appoint federal officials.

  4. Make treaties with other countries.

  5. Recognize (acknowledges existence) of counties and governments.

  6. Commander-in-Chief of military.

  7. Grants pardons, amnesty or reprieves.

Judicial Branch: 

  1. Interpret laws. Known as power of judicial review.

  2. Hear federal legal court cases.


Miranda Vs. Arizona

Court ruled that police must read people their legal rights including protection against self-incrimination


What is a Republic? 

-system of government in which governmental power comes from the people, who elect individuals to represent them in decision making


What is Laissez Faire? 

-economic term is used when the government abstains from interfering in the workings of a free-market society
