So Many Governments
Three Branches
It's the Law
I Have Rights
Hodge Podge

The system of government where power is shared between the central government and the state/local government.

What is federal?

The only requirement to be a judge in both the Supreme Court and the Federal Courts.
What is good behavior?
The type of law involved if a person insisted that another was responsible for paying for their hospital bills
What is civil law?
The type of right (social, political, economic) the ability for an individual to petition the government is an example of.
What is political?

This is created by interest groups when they want to donate money to a candidate to help them win an election.

What is a Political Action Committee?


The system of government where citizens vote for the legislative branch only; the legislative branch then chooses one of their own to be the leader of the executive branch.

What is parliamentary?

The branch of government that can write bills and raise taxes.
What is Legislative?
The committee that is created to reconcile the 2 different bills from the House and the Senate (because they must like identical).
What is conference committee?
The 5th amendment's inclusion of due process protects this type of individual rights (social, political, economic).
What is economic?

Put these events in the correct number order in which they occurred: (1) Shays's Rebellion, (2)Articles of Confederation, (3) US Constitution, (4) Colonial Independence.

What is 4, 2, 1, 3?


The two forms of government that are similar because they both deal with the economy of the nation.

What is socialism and communism?

Two of the 3 qualifications of eligibility to become President of the United States.
What is (1) be at least 35 years old, (2) live in the US for at least 14 years, (3) be a natural-born citizen?
If the President disapproves of a bill, he/she can _____ it; Congress then can ________________ and then the bill will become law anyway.
What is veto, override veto?
The right that is being violated if a person is given life in prison for running a stop light.
What is no cruel or unusual punishment?

The people who were against ratifying the Constitution because it did not protect the citizens from the powerful federal government (did not have a Bill of Rights).

Who are the Anti-Federalists?


The difference between a dictatorship and a monarchy.

What is dictatorship gets power by force, but monarchy inherits power?

The branch that has to approve all Presidential nominations or appointments (ambassadors, executive departments, federal and Supreme Court judges).
What is the legislative branch?
The two types of laws that do not affect all US citizens; they only affect specific groups.
What is military law and juvenile law?
The amendment that contains the right of an individual to not testify against themselves.
What is the 5th amendment?

The 4 ways individuals can influence and monitor the government.

What is vote, petition the government, attend civic meetings, and run for election?

The system and form of government that we have currently in the United States.
What is federal and representative democracy?

The power to veto a bill is with the ____________, and the power to override a veto is with the ___________.

What is President (executive branch), Congress (legislative branch)?


Name 3 of the groups that can suggest ideas for a bill or legislation.

What is  citizen, the President, interest group, and a member of Congress?

The 5 rights included in the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.
What is freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of press, and right to petition?

The state equal to the President; the state equal to Congress.

What is the governor; what is the legislature?
