Types of Thermal Energy Transfer
Total Kinetic energy & Average kinetic energy
Phase change
Molecular Attraction and Kinetic energy

Heat transfers through movement of fluids or gases

What is Convection?


Stack 1 has 30 molecules and they are all moving at a speed of 5. The average kinetic energy is __________.

What is 5?


A popsicle sits out in the hot Sun. (State the first order phase change (i.e, condensation, freezing, melting, evaporation) and the phase it was and the phase it was in after being in the hot Sun.)

What is melting/solid to liquid?


The molecules of Substance E and F are moving away from each other. Energy was transferred out and the molecules of Substance E are moving away from each other while the molecules of Substance F are moving around each other. The Substance with the weakest molecular attraction is________?

What is Substance E?


the energy that an object has because it is moving

What is kinetic energy?


What is Conduction?


There is a stack of books with 10 molecules and an average kinetic energy of 30. The total kinetic energy is__________. 

What is 300?


Liquid chocolate changes phase when poured over ice cream

What is freezing/ liquid to solid?


The molecules of Substance A are moving around each other and the molecules of Substance B are moving around each other. Energy was transferred out and Substance A changed phase. Substance ____has a stronger molecular attraction?

What is the Substance A?


the relative size of things

What is scale?


Heat transfers through electromagnetic waves and travels through space 

What is Radiation?


Stack 1 has an average kinetic energy of 24 and 5 molecules, Stack 2 has an average kinetic energy of 42 and 6 molecules. The average kinetic energy of the system is ___________. 

What is 6?


A pot of water is sitting on a very hot stove. Over time the water disappeared.

What is evaporation/ liquid to gas?


The molecules of Substance C and D are moving in place, energy was transferred in. Substance D changed phase. What substance has a stronger molecular attraction?

What is Substance C?


a noticeably different form or state of the same substance

What is a phase?


Heat transfers through collisions or contact between neighboring atoms or molecules. 

What is Conduction?


Dish 1 has 6 molecules and Dish 2 has 6 molecules. The total kinetic energy of Dish 1 is 85 and the total kinetic energy of Dish 2 is 59. The average kinetic energy is___________. 

What is 12?


The lake made of water disappeared between October 28, 2021 and February 28, 2022. The temperature during the months of October-February ranged from 41°F  and -12°F.

What is freezing/liquid to solid?


Hard candy is starting to melt in a hot pan. Did attraction overcome kinetic energy or kinetic energy overcome attraction?

What is The kinetic energy transferred in, overcame the molecular attraction?


the way molecules in a substance move around relative to each other

What is freedom of movement?

What is Radiation?


Dish 1 has 15 molecules and Dish 2 has 30 molecules. The average kinetic energy of Dish 1 is 3 and the average kinetic energy of Dish 2 is 5. The average kinetic energy of the system is ___________. 

What is 4?


A cold metal bowl was taken out of the fridge and placed on a counter after, 3 minutes water droplets begin to form on the outside of the bowl. 

What is condensation/gas to liquid?


The lake made of liquid water changed phase and froze between October 28, 2021 and February 28, 2022. The temperature during the months of October-February ranged from 41°F  and -12°F. It changed phase because _______________. 

What is Enough energy was transferred out of the liquid lake to allow the molecular attraction to pull the molecules together to overcome the kinetic energy that pulls the molecules apart?


a pull between two molecules that is always the same for a substance

What is molecular attraction?
