Word Impact
Figurative Language
Context Clues

He had studied for years and attempted to match the accomplishments of his older brother. As he saw each scholarship quickly slip away to other classmates, he wondered if he really had the intelligence required to go to medical school. He had ideas and dreamed of experimenting in order to find cures for rare diseases. However, it appeared that his GPA and lack of extracurricular activities would not land his name among the Edisons and Einsteins.

What is the impact of the allusion here? 

This paragraph mentioned "Edisons" and "Einsteins." These are two very smart people in history. The impact is that we have a deeper understanding of this guy's lack of academic achievement. 


What is the difference between an objective and a critical summary? 

An objective sticks to straight up facts, while a critical summary has facts and some kind of critical statement about the text. 


A traditional way of saying something that doesn't make sense literally. We have a lot of these down here in the south. 

Example: It's raining cats and dogs! 



Because the students did not articulate their words, the teacher found it quite difficult to understand their story.

What does "articulate" mean? 

state clearly; enunciate 


This alternative band has an album called "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out." 

Panic! At the Disco

He found the house, a weather-beaten cardboard bungalow. . . 

Analyze the word choice in the above excerpt. Are the connotations of the words negative or positive? 

Negative. Cardboard is a weak building material (for a house). While it's not literally cardboard, it's saying that it's been through a lot. "Weather-beaten" helps solidify that. 


Objective or subjective? 

You should never teach a lesson on dinosaurs to a class that is predominantly female. Girls are less interested in the prehistoric creatures, and would prefer a lesson on canines.



Extreme exaggeration

Example: "I'd catch a grenade for ya." - Bruno Mars (no you wouldn't, Bruno Mars)



Ms. Gibby is so humble that she finds it difficult to deal with all of the adulation and praise from her adoring students.

What does "adulation" mean? 

Extreme praise


Which NBA team(s) has the most championships? 

Lakers and Celtics are tied for 17. 


The team felt prepared and excited for their first game. They knew they would crush the competition and bring back a state title like they’d done so many times in the past. However, as they trotted off the bus and ran on to the fresh, green field their dreams were crushed. The towering Goliaths from the opposing team made them wish they’d spent a little more time in the weight room over the summer. 

What's the effect of the allusion in this paragraph? 

The allusion is "Goliaths," alluding to the story of David and Goliath from the Old Testament. Goliath was known as an extremely tall man (7-9 feet tall)! This allusion makes us see the other team as tall and strong, and that helps rationalize why this team lost. 


The first dinosaur to be formally named was the Megalosaurus, back in 1824.

Subjective or objective? 



Giving human characteristics to something non-human

Example: "The pencil danced across the page as the honors student aced the English test." 



The teacher's happiness was transient after the found out Ethan cheated on his test. 

What does "transient" mean? 



This rapper has the most number one singles of any rapper ever. Hint: You'll either love him or hate him. 



"I lived at West Egg, the—well, the less fashionable of the two, though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them... my own house was an eyesore." The Great Gatsby

Identify the words that help the author develop the tone. What's the West Egg neighborhood like? 

It's not a great place to live. It's described as "less fashionable," and the speaker says his house is "an eyesore." The tone is very matter-of-fact. 


Treating children with ADHD is not as simple as merely filling a prescription. Children often react to stimulant drugs, such as Ritalin, in different ways.  Doctors must often work with patients over the course of multiple months in order to find the appropriate medication.  Also, most drugs and alternative therapies are not immediately beneficial. Children suffering from ADHD can require prolonged treatment before any progress is shown.  Lastly, side effects from ADHD medication can often be more troublesome than the syndrome itself.  It can take years of trial-and-error in order to effectively treat adolescent patients suffering from ADHD in order to improve their lives.

What is the central idea of this paragraph? 

Treating children with ADHD is not as simple as merely filling a prescription.


Giving abstract meaning; when something represents something else



Her amicable spirit made her quite popular among her friends. She was always planning fun trips and social gatherings which included everyone.

What does "amicable" mean? 



According to the RCHS library, these two genres are the most popular. Naming at least one correct will get you the points. 

Fantasy and Horror


From Hamlet

To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation

The tone is _________. What phrases develop that? 

The tone is confused. "To be, or not to be..." 


Even though swimming in the ocean is frightening because of marine life, research shows that we really have very little to fear. Although many sea creatures are seen as being vicious, violent, and voracious, studies have shown that people are more likely to die from a rip current than from a shark attack. Despite the fact that going to the beach is exciting, we should pay careful attention to educate ourselves about potential dangers we may face while enjoying the shoreline and all it has to offer.

Where's the main idea? 

"...pay careful attention to educate ourselves about potential dangers we may face while enjoying the shoreline and all it has to offer." 


Comparing two things without using "like" or "as" 

"I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here. . . " - Taylor Swift



After the tyrant took over the country, the citizens had to abjure their political beliefs.

What does "abjure" mean? 

relinquish; give up; renounce


Even though I'm the smallest player on the football team, my tenacious attitude helps me to hit harder, run faster, and score more touchdowns than the boys who are twice my size. 

What does "tenacious" mean? 

