Supreme Court Cases
The war caused by the secession of the Southern States over the institution of slavery.

What is the Civil War?


The United States annexed this Caribbean island after the Spanish-American War and still controls it. 

What is Puerto Rico?


The Supreme Court ruled that separation of the races in public accommodations was legal, thus establishing the “Separate but Equal” doctrine.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


Journalists that gave widespread exposure to the abuses of industrial society and stimulated a new desire for reform. 

Who are Muckrakers?


he idea that the United States is destined—by God—to control and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent.

What is Manifest Destiny?

The MAIN causes of this war were: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism
What is World War I?

An artificial waterway cut through Central America to provide a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Built by the U.S. it opened in 1914.

What is the Panama Canal?


Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated. 

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


This amendment to the Constitution gave women the right to vote. 

What is the 19th Amendment?

Granted $13 billion in aid for former servicemen, ranging from educational grants to housing and other services to assist with the readjustment to society after World War II. 

What is the GI Bill?


Journalists exaggerated events in Cuba to build support for the war, giving congress and the president little time to solve the conflict diplomatically. 

What is Yellow Journalism?


This addition to the Monroe Doctrine, gave the United States the role of policing Latin American countries. 

What is the Roosevelt Corollary?


This case established the reading of rights when police arrest those accused of a crime.

What is Miranda v. Arizona?


This muckraker wrote the expose, How the Other Half Lives, which exposed the wretched conditions of the working class in urban centers. 

Who is Jacob Riis?


The Post-WWII plan to provide economic and military aid to free nations threatened by internal or external opponents like the communists. Greece & Turkey were two nations that received help.

What is the Truman Doctrine?


Famous W.W. II U.S. Army General who led Allied forces in Europe & North Africa and planned the D-Day invasion in June 1944. He later became President of the U.S. from 1953-1961.

Who is Dwight D. Eisenhower?


The United States took over this Pacific Island after large agricultural company owners overthrew the queen. 

What is Hawaii?


This case established that it was the government's responsibility to provide legal counsel for the accused who could not afford it. 

What is Gideon v. Wainwright?


This president greatly expanded the powers of the executive branch. He was well known as a reformer, and passed regulations that broke up trusts, regulated the food factories, and conserved land in National Parks

Who is Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt?


This act tried to dissolve Indian tribes by redistributing the land. Designed to forestall growing Indian poverty, it resulted in many Indians losing their lands to speculators. 

What is the Dawes Act?


President Nixon’s strategy for ending U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, involving the gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops and their replacement with South Vietnamese forces

What is Vietnamization?


Argued that colonies in the Pacific and Carribbean would provide strategic naval bases and encourage trade. America would need to increase its naval fleet to compete as a world power. 

Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan?


The case that established that students do not shed their Constitutional right of FREE SPEECH when they enter school, but their Free Speech cannot interrupt learning.

What is Tinker v. Des Moines?


This reformer established the first "settlement house" that provided services to poor and immigrant families in Chicago. (Hull House)

Who is Jane Addams?


States that trading rights in China were open to all foreign powers because the United States feared European powers might cut off their ability to trade in China.

What is the Open Door policy?
