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This is a political theory by John Locke that individuals have privileges that no government can deny. What were they?

Natural rights: Life, liberty, and property


What is Manifest Destiny?

Idea that many people believed it was the country’s destiny to expand out West


________________________ suggested that citizens of each new territory should be allowed to decide for themselves if they wanted to permit slavery or not

Popular sovereignty


A major purpose of the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) during the 1930s was to…

Strengthen consumer confidence in the banking system and protect people's money


What was the common purpose of the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and the Eisenhower Doctrine?

To help stop the spread of communism


What was the 3/5 Compromise?

This was the compromise made between northern and southern states on the issue of slaves and counting them towards the population of that state


Who created the American System plan and what did he include in it?

Economic plan created by Henry Clay. Plan included higher tariffs, internal improvements and a strong national bank


What was the final decision in the Dred Scott Supreme Court case?

Slaves were declared as property, not people/citizens


What was the purpose of the Wagner Act, also known as the National Labor Relations Act?

Guaranteed one's right to join a union


These released hidden facts about the Vietnam War to the general public

Pentagon Papers


What was the primary goal of the people who instigated the American Revolution?

They wanted representation in British Parliament to fight against unfair taxes


What was the Missouri Compromise?

Maine=free state

Missouri = slave state

36'30 line established (no slavery north of line)


What was the outcome of the Compromise of 1877?

Rutherford B. Hayes would become President and Reconstruction would end


In 1933 the 21st Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution, allowing for the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States. Why was this amendment needed?

It cancelled the 18th Amendment to the Constitution


This resolution gave the president the authority to take military actions in Vietnam without getting Congress approval

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


List 3 flaws of the Articles of Confederation.

1)No executive power

2)No federal courts

3)Gov’t could not tax

4)More power to the states

5)Hard to change/amend laws


This terms meant that the government should not be involved in American businesses at all

Laissez-faire economic


This was an extension to the Monroe Doctrine calling for US assistance in Latin America if they could not repay debts to European nations

Roosevelt Corollary


This is an approach in which an aggressor nation is allowed to keep regions it has conquered in hopes to make the country leaders happy



What effects did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the 24th Amendment have on African Americans’ ability to vote?

24th Amendment outlawed poll taxes and Voting Rights Act suspended literacy tests for voter registration


Name two things George Washington warned America about in his farewell address

1) Political Parties

2) Staying neutral (no alliances)

3) Run country on morality and religion


What was the spoils system?

Appointing people to government jobs on the basis of party loyalty and support


Why did the US not join the League of Nations?

US politicians did not want to US to be pulled into international affairs through the League of Nations


Law under which the president could send aid to any nation whose defense was considered vital to the US national security

Lend Lease Act


What 3 countries found themselves divided into communist and non-communist zones at some point during the 20th century?

Germany, Korea, Vietnam
