Bill of Rights & Later Amendments
Landmark Cases
Governments & Systems
Foreign Policy

Scenario: The city wants to build a highway through your property to ease the major traffic problem and has voted to take your property. What is this called and what must they do if they take your property?

Eminent Domain - must pay you a fair price for your property.


The significance of the Marbury vs. Madison case gives the U.S. Supreme Court the power of judicial review. Define judicial review.

The power to rule that a law is unconstitutional.


The U.S. government is based around federalism - the division of powers between the federal and state governments. List the 3 powers and define them.

*** This question is worth 300

enumerated powers - powers listed

reserved powers - state powers

concurrent powers - powers shared/powers that they BOTH have. 


This form of government establishes a large welfare system where the people must rely on the government for certain services. The government will take over many industries as well as redistribute wealth. What is it?




List three goals that would be found in the U.S. Foreign Policy that all Presidents must follow.

Protect the U.S. 

Promote Trade

Spread Democracy

Provide Aid

Promote peace


Name the 5 freedoms listed in the first amendment.







What was the impact of the Schenck vs. United States landmark case? 

The Schenck case proved that free speech can be limited in times of war and that rights are NOT absolute. 



List the 3 LEVELS of government and what tells us who is supreme? (name it, define it, and where it's located)

local, state, federal 

The Supremacy Clause - Constitution/federal law is the supreme law of the land - found in Article VI (6)


Government types can be classified into 3 categories called SYSTEMS. Name the 3 systems and define them.

Confederal - independent states working together

Federal - dividing up power between federal & state

Unitary - Central government has total power


What do we call the official representative of our nation that lives/works in the U.S. Embassies overseas?

ambassador (head of the Embassy)


What do amendments 4, 5, 6, 8 have in common?

Those are the amendments provide the rights of those accused of a crime.


What was the significance of Brown vs. Board of Education and what other landmark case did it impact? 

This case DEsegregated schools and determined that "Separate but Equal" was NOT constitutional. This case reversed the Plessy vs. Ferguson case. 


There are 3 types of LOCAL governments. You have Mayor-Council form, Council-Manager form, and Commission form. Which is the LEAST popular form and why? 

Commission form is the least popular because it combines the Executive and Legislative Branches together which does not provide leadership. 


Monarchy has 2 types. List them and describe them. 

Constitutional Monarchy - King/Queen; King has no power; prime minister (Pres.); Parliament (Congress).

Absolute Monarchy - King/Queen - King has total power.


Who runs the foreign policy agenda for the President and is basically the President's right hand when it comes to foreign policy?

Secretary of State


After the Civil War, Amendments 13, 14, & 15 were added to the Constitution. Amendment 13 abolished slavery, and Amendment 15 prohibited the government from denying the right to vote based on race, color, or having been a slave. What was so important about the 14th Amendment besides defining the term citizen? 

Equal Protection Clause - all citizens shall be provided protection under the law. 



What is the difference between the FEDERAL court system and the FLORIDA court system? Also, name their lowest court levels

Federal court system has 3 levels and the Florida court system has 4. 

U.S. = U.S. District Court

FL - FL County Court/Trial Court



Which SYSTEM of government does the U.S. have and why?

Federal System - We didn't like it when the King had all the power and we didn't like it when the states had all the power. A nice balance is what works best for us. 


List, define, and provide an example of the two types of policies.

domestic policy - a plan to fix issues at home (in the U.S.); Example: unemployment, etc. 

foreign policy - a plan to fix issues around the world that would impact the U.S.; Example: two of our allies fighting, etc. 



There are two steps in amending the U.S. Constitution: Proposing & Ratifying. Explain the most commonly used steps in this process.

Propose:  2/3 Congress (both houses) approve

Ratify: 3/4 state legislatures approve


Using the term "due process", explain the significance of the In re Gault landmark case. 

The juvenile system MUST provide juveniles (minors) with "due process" rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.


List 3 items addressed in the Florida Constitution.

elections, state finances, state taxes, local government, education, English is the official language, etc. 


Define autocracy and oligarchy and describe an example of each.

autocracy (1 person running the country) - an absolute monarchy would be an example as well as the leader of N. Korea. 

oligarchy (a few people running the country) - an example would be like Iran where they have a few religious clerics making all the decisions. 


Who makes foreign policy and give two examples EACH of how they are involved.

President - signs treaties, appoints ambassadors/Secretary of State, Commander in Chief, negotiates treaties

Congress - Confirms appointments, can declare war, ratifies treaties, provides funding 
