SSUSH 6-10
SSUSH 11-15
SSUSH 16-20
SSUSH 20-23
This religious group settled in the New England colonies after facing persecution for their beliefs in England
Who are the Puritans
In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson doubled the size of the U.S. by buying 828,000,000 square miles of land in North America from France
What is the Louisiana Purchase
During the Gilded Age, John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie created trusts that eliminated all competitors in the oil and steel industries. What is the term for massive corporations/trusts that have no competition in an industry
What is a monopoly
The 18th Amendment was the beginning of what period in US History?
What is prohibition
Following WWII, the United States sent billions of dollars in aid to Western Europe in an attempt to rebuild its economy and combat communism there
What is the Marshall Plan
According to this economic theory, the purpose of the North American colonies was to make England, the mother country, wealthy
What is mercantilism
Following the Civil War, two Reconstruction plans were implemented. _______ Reconstruction was very lenient on the Southern states, while ______ Reconstruction was harsher and sought to punish the former Confederate states and protect freed African-Americans
What is Presidential Reconstruction and Congressional Reconstruction
Although the United States followed a policy of neutrality at the outset of WWI, Germany's attacks on neutral American merchant ships (__________) and their secret message encouraging Mexico to attack the U.S. (__________) pulled the U.S. into the war.
What are unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman Telegram
The formation of NASA and the passage of the National Defense Education Act were primarily caused by what event in 1957?
What is the launching of Sputnik 1?
The term for President Ronald Reagan's economic plan that gave tax cuts to wealthy Americans. This plan championed "trickle down economics", the belief that tax breaks for the rich would allow them to invest more money in creating jobs and stimulate the entire economy
What is Reaganomics
Established after the French and Indian War, this imaginary line angered the colonists by preventing them from setteling west of the Appalachian Mountains
What is the Proclamation Line of 1763
This was the final battle of the War of 1812. Interestingly, this battle actually occurred after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed and the war had officially ended.
What is the Battle of New Orleans
In 1890 over 300 Sioux Indians were massacred near the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. This was the final conflict between the Plains Indians and the US military.
What is the Wounded Knee Massacre
What problem in the agricultural industry caused crop prices to plummet and helped lead to the Great Depression in 1929?
What is overproduction
In 1964, Congress passed this resolution that granted President Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to send American troops to Vietnam
What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The turning point of the American Revolution. After the colonists' victory in this battle, the French entered the war in support of the colonists
What is the Battle of Saratoga
President James Monroe issued this statement in 1823, warning European nations not to interfere in Latin America and promising that the US would stay out of European affairs in return
What is the Monroe Doctrine
During the Progressive Era, investigative journalists worked to expose the awful working and living conditions of the urban poor, along with the widespread corruption of trusts and monopolies. What were these journalists called?
Who are muckrakers
When the Supreme Court stuck down several of FDR's New Deal programs as unconstitutional, Roosevelt proposed the __________. This bill, had it passed, would have given FDR the authority to add additional judges to the Supreme Court
What is the Court Packing Bill
During this year the following events took place: -Tet Offensive in Vietnam -President Johnson announced he would not seek reelection -Assassinations of MLK Jr. and RFK -Riots outside the Democratic National Convention
What is 1968
Virginia Plan + New Jersey Plan = Creates a bicameral legislative branch with representation based on state population in one house and equal representation in the other
What is the Great Compromise
The Missouri Compromise (1820), Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Acts (1854) of the 1800s were all designed to prevent a national conflict over the issue of __________
What is slavery
Following the Spanish American War of 1898, America began to expand overseas when it gained control of _________ in the Caribbean and the _________ Pacific Ocean.
What are Puerto Rico and the Philippines
On June 6, 1944 the Allies launched an amphibious invasion from England to Normandy, France. The __________ was successful in liberating France from control of the Nazis
What is the D-Day invasion
A peace agreement between Israel and Egypt negotiated by President Jimmy Carter in 1978
What are the Camp David Accords