Grab Bag
Grammar and Mechanics
Plot Structure
Context Clues
Main Ideas & Paragraphs

The Message of the Story

What is the Theme?


After she completed her homework she went outside to play. This is missing after the word - homework.

What is comma?


The part in the Lion King when Simba finally has his big fight with Scar

What is the Climax?


Although James is always stressed out about something, he comes across as nonchalant and without worries.  a. blase b. careless c. fear d. control

What is blase?


The sentence where the main idea is stated.

What is the topic sentence?


The author's purpose of this type of writing is to explain

What is expository writing?


You use this when you combine two words to make a contraction. Do + not

What is an apostrophe?


Where you are exposed to the Characters, Setting, and Conflict

What is the Exposition?


The priest is bound, under the most stringent penalties, never to divulge what he has thus learnt.

A) Sinning

B) Admit

C) Teach

D) Learn

What is admit?


What does the R in RACES stand for?

What is Restate the Question?


What type of figurative language is used here:

Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks.

What is a Metaphor?


To combine two sentences, you add a comma and conjunction or a ____________.

What is a semicolon?


"John went to Clear Heights High School in Lansing. He was just a freshman, but he had already made an enemy: Carson, a Junior from the rich side of town, had picked on him since the first day of school."

What is Exposition?


The benevolent gentleman left a further sum of $5000 to be divided among the poor. 

A) Kind

B) Dead

C) Generous

D) Religious

What is generous?

A group of sentences that relate to a main idea is _____
What is a paragraph?

"My mind makes marvelous moves, masses / Marvel and move, many mock what I've mastered

What is alliteration?


To make two short, choppy sentences longer you have to ________ key words or phrases with a comma or semicolon.

What is combine?


Ronald the Great rode into the sunset, with the princess seated on his horse behind him. He was battered and bruised, but he had triumphed. The Evil Knight would never bother the town of Larundel again.

What is Resolution?


Most areas have laws that regulate the cleaning and sterilization of equipment, so the best protection against this particular risk is to choose a shop that is compliant with all of your local piercing laws. 

A) Follows

B) Legal

C) Risky

D) Ready

What is follows?

A Constructed Response Question should be this long unless otherwise noted

What is one Paragraph?


"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood...

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

What is Parallel Structure?

Words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings.
What are homophones/homonyms?

But as Jessica walked away, John's happiness quickly faded; Carson was walking towards him with an angry look on his face. 

"What are you doing talking to my girlfriend, freshman? Thats it, at 3 o'clock I'm gonna put you in the dirt!" 

What is Rising Action?


We have now to notice the points in which Umbrian has diverged from Oscan.

A) Combined

B) Aged

C) Separated

D) Run

What is Separated ?


What does the E in RACES stand for?

What is Explain the Evidence?
