Mercantilism and Colonial Regions
Causes of Revolution
1st 5 presidents
Jacksonian Democracy

is an economic theory based on reducing a country's imports while expanding its exports in order to maximize wealth. It impacted the development of English colonies by promoting them as sources of raw materials for England and restricting colonial trade to benefit England's economy.



was issued to prevent further American colonists from settling beyond the Appalachian Mountains. The colonists reacted with anger, as they believed they were entitled to the land they had helped secure through fighting in the French and Indian War.

Proclamation of 1763


 was a period of less political oversight of the colonies by the English Crown. It allowed the colonies to govern themselves more independently and build up their own trade networks.

Salutary Neglect


established precedents for future presidents by forming a cabinet, using the title of "Mr. President," establishing the constitutional authority to enforce laws, and retiring after two terms in office.

George Washington


was a practice of appointing loyal followers to government jobs, which Andrew Jackson believed would limit the power of elite groups and ensure the executive branch carried out the plans of the party in power.

The spoils system


were laws implemented by England in the mid-1600s to regulate trans-Atlantic trade with the colonies. They required goods to be transported on English ships, processed through English ports, and restricted the export of certain resources. These acts restricted colonial profits, hindered manufacturing, and forced colonists to pay high prices for goods from England.

Navigation Acts


The colonists responded to these two British acts with protests, boycotts, and the creation of Committees of Correspondence.

Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765.


Event that established the expectation that the government would work for the good of all citizens, not just the wealthy. It highlighted the need for protections for poor citizens who lived further out from wealthy communities.

Bacon's Rebellion


was a violent uprising that occurred in Western Pennsylvania as a result of a tax on whiskey. It happened because the tax hit small whiskey-makers in western settlements particularly hard.

The Whiskey Rebellion


was a dispute over whether states could nullify federal laws they opposed. It was resolved through a compromise tariff and the authorization for President Jackson to use the army and navy to enforce federal law.

The Nullification Crisis


were initially used as labor in the colonies, working in exchange for their passage to North America. Later, African slaves became a more profitable and renewable source of labor. The colonies relied on both indentured servants and enslaved Africans for labor.

Indentured Servants


justified the colonists' desire for independence by asserting that they had certain natural rights that were being violated by the British government. It argued that the colonies did not have representation in Parliament, making the taxes imposed by Parliament a violation of English civil liberties.

Declaration of Independence


 The purpose of George Washington creating this was to surround himself with experts in various fields in order to make critical decisions in the best interest of the country.



The reasons for this were the continued impressment of American sailors, British interference in American shipping routes, and British occupation of forts in North America. The outcomes of the war included the end of the British threat in America, the destruction of Native Americans' hope for independence, and a period of national unity.

War of 1812


signed by Jackson in 1830, forced thousands of Native Americans to leave their homelands and resettle west of the Mississippi River. The Cherokee Nation challenged their removal in court, but ultimately surrendered their lands and were forced to travel the Trail of Tears.

The Indian Removal Act,


rich soil and long growing season, developed strong agricultural economies based on cash crops like tobacco, indigo, rice, and corn.

Southern Colonies


responsible for writing the Declaration of Independence were Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman.

Committee of 5


Term for Jackson's goals to strengthen the presidency and executive branch, weaken Congress, expand voting rights to all adult white males, and increase public participation in government.

Jacksonian Democracy


was a period of temporary collapse of party politics and increased unity across the nation following the War of 1812.

Era of Good Feelings


War that marked the beginning of America's transition to industrial power by encouraging the development of domestic industrial production.

War of 1812


was a document created by the Pilgrims before disembarking the Mayflower that pledged self-governance through majority rule. The "city upon a hill" speech by John Winthrop set the tone for the Massachusetts Bay Colony and challenged Puritans to work hard to make the colony thrive.

Mayflower Compact


George Washington demonstrated his leadership during the winter at this location by maintaining his army under harsh conditions and with inadequate supplies, and by utilizing the assistance of European soldiers to train his troops

Valley Forge

Supreme Court Justice who ruled against the Indian Removal Act

John Marshall


was a policy announced by President James Monroe that warned European nations against interfering in the politics of North and South America. It also declared that the United States would remain neutral in European wars and would not interfere in the American colonies of European nations.

Monroe Doctrine


Tariff that led to the secession crisis by S. Carolina and John C Calhoun

Tariff of abominations
