War Times
International Issues
I Bet You Don't Know This
The Impact of Immigrants

The name for the largest land invasion in human history that occurred on June 6, 1944

What is D-Day?


The act that was part of the Second New Deal, giving Americans a government-organized retirement plan

What is the Social Security Act?


The failed mission of the US to arm Cuban exiles and send them into Cuba to attempt to overthrow President Fidel Castro

What is the Bay of Pigs invasion?


These women were much more liberated and free-spirited in the 1920s. They cut their hair shorter, wore shorter dresses and began to have active social lives

Who are flappers?


This large project was created due to the dedicated hard work of Chinese laborers

What is the transcontinental railroad?

US involvement in WWI stemmed from Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare policy and the sinking of the Lusitania as well as the nature of this telegram, in which Germany propositioned one of the US's closest neighbors to form an alliance with them

What is the Zimmerman telegram?


The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments are known as the Civil War amendments. Name them in order.

Slavery outlawed, citizenship granted to all natural born citizens, voting rights given to all men regardless or race

The first major accomplishment of the Space Race between the US and the Soviet Union

What is the launching of Sputnik?


The court case that formally declared that African-Americans were not considered US citizens and a slave owner could take a slave into any territory 

What is the Dred Scott case?


Based on a fear of Communism infiltrating into America during the WWI era, immigrants from Eastern Europe were given a quota as part of this movement

What is the Red Scare?


The Union general responsible for the Battle of Atlanta, cutting off the major Confederate transportation hub, as well as the March to the Sea

Who is William T. Sherman?


The policy that made veterans returning home from WWII have better access to housing, education, healthcare, etc.

What is the G.I. Bill?


The deal initiated by President Jimmy Carter which brokered peace between Israel and Egypt

What is the Camp David Accord?

The Compromise of 1877 which granted Republican Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency marked the official end of this post-Civil War era

What is the Reconstruction Era?


The French aristocrat that aided Washington at Valley Forge but also led troops in the Battle of Yorktown. (He would later going on to name one of his children after George Washington)

Who is Marquis de Lafayette? 


The incident that is considered the first battle of the Civil War

What is the bombardment of Fort Sumter?


The Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan were combined to form this, which gave us a bicameral legislature where states are represented equally in one house and by population in another

What is the Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)?


Also known as the European Recovery Act, this policy gave money to war-torn countries in Europe after WWII to keep them from falling to communism

What is the Marshall Plan?


The main difference between Congressional (Radical Republican) Reconstruction and Presidential Reconstruction after the Civil War

Congressional (Radical Republican) Reconstruction wanted to punish the southern states before readmitting them to the Union and Presidential Reconstruction did not


Big business in the late 19th and early 20th century centered around John D. Rockefeller, oil tycoon, and this man, a poor immigrant from Scotland turned multi-millionaire steel tycoon

Who is Andrew Carnegie?


The Republic of Texas was annexed into the US just in time to help their country fight in this conflict

What is the Mexican American War?


The policy made by the British that allowed the colonies more independence and decision making as long as they kept providing raw materials for the British economy

What is Salutary Neglect?


America became this after acquiring many overseas territories after the Spanish American War 

What is an empire?

Conflicts between the US government and Native Americans came to an abrupt and bloody end in 1890 at this conflict

What is the Battle at Wounded Knee Creek?


This British immigrant would go on to fight for the rights of workers in America by founding the American Federation of Labor, one of the largest labor unions of the time period

Who is Samuel Gompers?
