Systems of Government
Foundations of Democracy
Citizenship and Responsibility
The Constitution
Rights and Amendments

A form of government in which the government controls only some of the economy but also allows for private enterprise

what is socialism?


Ancient Greek city-state in which democracy formed

What is Athens?


Body of law based on statutes

What is statutory law?


This philosopher argued that the government should be divided into three equal branches

Who is the Baron de Montesquieu? 


your 5 basic freedoms: Speech, religion, press (news coverage), assembly (gathering in groups), and petition (complaining to the government) are found in this amendment

What is the first amendment?


John lives in a country with this economy, in which the government controls all aspects of the economy

what is communism?


The Greek name for city-state

what is polis?


Developed more than 3,700 years ago in Babylonia, this legal code included laws such as “an eye for an eye”

What is the code of Hammurabi?


Formed in 1781, this very weak "league of friendship" was formed because Americans were afraid of someone getting too much power and becoming a king

What are the Articles of Confederation?


The first step in amending the constitution

What is Proposing the amendment?


The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is this kind of monarchy, in which the leader has total power

What is absolute monarchy?


The legislative body of Athens

What is the assembly?


These are the procedures used to decide whether an accused person has violated the law

What are "Due Process" rights?


During the debate to approve (ratify) the constitution, this group of people wanted a strong central government and were for the constitution

who are the federalists?


The tenth amendment leaves these powers to the states

What are the reserved powers?


The Junta of Burma is an example of this government, in which a small group of people control the government

What is an oligarchy?


Ancient city-state that gave us republican form of government 

what is Rome?


To serve on a jury, to obey the law, to pay taxes, to defend the nation if summoned

What are the obligations of citizenship


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." so begins this....

What is the preamble to the constitution?


A court order stating that an accused or imprisoned person must be brought to court to decide whether they are innocent or guilty

What is habeas corpus?


A form of government in which the leaders have absolute control over their countries

what is authoritarianism?


From the words Jewish and Christian, this religious belief system greatly influenced our society

What is Judeo-Christian?


This amendment reads "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside" guaranteeing the right to be naturalized as a citizen

What is the 14th Amendment?


This article of the constitution states that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law in government, it is also known as this

What is the supremacy clause?


This amendment says "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

What is the 15th amendment?
