Can you spare some change for the King?
Agree to disagree
Who brought the BBQ grill?
Wow, we are not thrilled.

The New England region was dependent on this for its economy because of shipbuilding, whaling, and fishing.

What is the ocean?


Colonists and patriotic groups, such as the Daughters of Liberty, did this to British goods to prevent the British from imposing rules on the colonies.

What is boycotted?

Loyalists remained loyal to Great Britain and him during the Revolutionary War.

Who is King George III?


This plan was favored by smaller states because it called for representation in Congress to be equal for all states.

What is the New Jersey Plan?


This colony was created as a place debtors could get a new start and as a barrier to protect the other English colonies from Spanish Florida.

What is Georgia?


This region was considered to be the most diverse.

What is the Middle Region?


The Boston Tea Party was a reaction to unfair ______________.

What are taxes?


According to the Declaration of Independence the power to govern comes from the consent of the governed, or the _______________.

What are the people?


This plan was favored by larger states because it called for representation in Congress to be based on each state's population.

What is the Virginia Plan?


The First Continental Congress met in response to these British laws, which gave them greater control over the colonies.

What are the Intolerable Acts?


Slavery was used more in the Southern Region because of the good soil and climate used to grow cash crops on these large farms.

What are plantations?


He acted as defense attorney for the Redcoat soldiers accused of murdering five colonists during the Boston Massacre because he felt strongly that everyone deserved a fair trial.

Who is John Adams?


This document forced the British to recognize the U.S. as an independent nation, give up all claims to the colonies, and set borders between the U.S. and British territories.

What is the Treaty of Paris of 1783?


In order to get Anti-Federalists to ratify, or approve, the Constitution, Federalists agreed to add this to protect the rights of individuals.

What is the Bill of Rights?


This was sent to the king as a final attempt to find a peaceful solution to the unjust laws and taxes placed on the colonies.

What is the Olive Branch Petition?


This region is known as the Breadbasket Region because they grew grains such as wheat, barley, oats, and corn.

What is the Middle Region?


This slogan was used by the colonists to voice their anger over not having a voice in their government, which was the most important reason they opposed the laws and taxes placed on them.

What is "No Taxation Without Representation"?


They met after the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

What is the Second Continental Congress?


This was created in order to count slaves to determine a state's population in Congress.

What is the Three-Fifths Compromise?


This was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that motivated the colonists and soldiers to fight for freedom from the British.

What is Common Sense?


People in the New England, Middle, and Southern Regions had to adapt to different ways of life based on the geography, climate, and _____________ in their region.

What are resources?


Because of this war, the British had a large war debt which they taxed the colonists in order to help them pay off.

What is the French and Indian War?


This battle represented the most significant turning point in the Revolutionary War because it brought the French in as our allies with naval and military support.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


This was a combination of both the New Jersey and Virginia Plans.  It gave Congress two houses (bicameral).  One house would give equal representation to all states and the other would be based on a state's population.

What is the Great Compromise?

This law was enacted by the British to keep settlers from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains in order to keep them from having conflicts with Native Americans.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?
