Leading to the Constitution
Supreme Court Cases
Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects our "Due Process" rights such as the right not to self incriminate ourselves and the right to have an attorney? a. 1st b. 5th c. 2nd d. 6th
What is the 5th Amendment?
Which famous document is considered to be the first example of self government in the United States? a. Declaration of Independence b. Mayflower Compact c. Articles of Confederation d. Magna Carta
What is the Mayflower Compact?
Which famous U.S. Supreme Court case protects a Woman's right to privacy in order to have an abortion? a. Marbury v. Madison b. Roe v. Wade c. New Jersey v. TLO d. McCulloch v. Maryland
What is Roe v. Wade?
When the supply of a product rises and its demand drops, what happens to price of the product? a. the price decreases b. the price increases c. the price stays the same
What is the price decreases?
Which of the following is not a civil liberty protected by the Bill of Rights? a. the right to trial by jury b. the right to vote c. the freedom of religion d. the right to own a gun
What is the right to vote?
Which amendment protects our rights to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury? a. 5th b. 1st c. 3rd d. 6th
What is the 6th Amendment?
What was the first plan of government in the new United States after the American Revolution? a. Declaration of Independence b. Mayflower Compact c. Articles of Confederation d. Magna Carta
What is the Articles of Confederation?
What famous Supreme Court case gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review? a. Marbury v. Madison b. Roe v. Wade c. New Jersey v. TLO d. McCulloch v. Maryland
What is Marbury v. Madison?
What effect does deficit spending have on the U.S. national debt? a. causes the national debt to increase b. causes the national debt to decrease c. causes the national debt to remain stable
What is causes the national debt to increase?
State electoral districts are apportioned (divided) by _____________. a. political party affiliation b. geographical features c. wealth distribution d. population
What is population?
Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution expressed the principle of federalism by explaining the delegated powers to the States? a. 9th b. 6th c. 1st d. 10th
What is the 10th Amendment?
Which Constitutional Convention compromise set up the structure of the legislative branch with a Senate and House of Representatives we still have today? a. The 3/5 Compromise b. The Missouri Compromise c. The Great Compromise d. The Commerce Compromise
What is the Great Compromise?
Which famous Supreme Court case gave the Federal government implied powers through the "Necessary and Proper" clause to exert the expressed powers given to the government? a. Marbury v. Madison b. Roe v. Wade c. New Jersey v. TLO d. McCulloch v. Maryland
What is McCulloch v. Maryland?
Which of the following is not a good example of a progressive tax? a. sales tax b. income tax c. Social Security tax d. Medicare tax
What is sales tax?
Which of the following is not a power granted to the President of the United States according to Article II Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution? a. the power to appoint Supreme Court judges b. the power to grant reprieves and pardons c. the title of Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces d. the power to declare war
What is the power to declare war?
In the famous Supreme Court case of Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, what amendment was used to overturn a previous court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson? a. 9th b. 13th c. 14th d. 1st
What is the 14th Amendment?
Through the creation of the Constitution, the U.S. government is a(n) ____________ type of government. a. unitary b. confederal c. direct democracy d. federal
What is a federal government?
Which famous Supreme Court case limited the 4th amendment right of students in a school environment? a. Marbury v. Madison b. Roe v. Wade c. New Jersey v. TLO d. McCulloch v. Maryland
What is New Jersey v. TLO?
When a consumers makes a choice to buy a cheaper product over a more expensive product, this is called a(n) __________. a. budget b. profit c. opportunity cost d. trade off
What is a trade off?
Which of the following organizations was created after WWII at the request of the United States in order to promote world peace? a. NAFTA b. NATO c. United Nations d. OPEC
What is the United Nations?
Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlawed the use of poll taxes used by some states to discriminate against African American voters by charging a tax in order to vote in elections? a. 14th Amendment b. 24th Amendment c. 26th Amendment d. 23rd Amendment
What is the 24th Amendment?
Which type of government below allows some principles of democracy to exist? a. Constitutional Monarchy b. Junta c. Dictatorship d. Oligarchy
What is a Constitutional Monarchy?
Which famous Supreme Court case provided for our due process rights guaranteed in the 5th and 6th Amendment to be read to us upon arrest or detainment? a. Miranda v. Arizona b. Gideon v. Wainwright c. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Texas v. Johnson
What is Miranda v. Arizona?
When there is a shortage of resources in the market, what happens to the price of the product if demand is relatively still high? a. the price decreases drastically b. the price increases drastically c. the price increases d. the price decreases
What is the price increases drastically?
If there is a tie in the Electoral vote in the Electoral College, who decides the presidency? a. the Senate b. the States c. the Supreme Court d. the House of Representatives
What is the House of Representatives?