Units 1-4 (American Revolution- WWI)
Units 5-7 (Roaring 20s-WWII)
Units 8 & 9 (Cold War & Civil Rights)
Unit 10: U.S Presidents
What is the name of the amendment to the U.S. Constitution, that changed the voting age from 21 to 18 years old AND what Cold War conflict caused this amendment to pass? (hint it took place in the 1960's-1970's)
26th Amendment & Vietnam War
Period from mid 1800's to 1900 where entrepreneurs were able to reap huge profits for themselves(big businesses). It was a period of new innovations, rise of new industries, and mass production. It was also a time of corruption, monopolies and a lot of problems
The Gilded Age
It was the most controversial New Deal Program that FDR passed that still exists today-it provides benefits/money to elderly, retired people age 65 and older or to those who are disabled. Part of your paycheck goes towards this.
Social Security Act
This organization was made for all Western democractic countries as an alliance just in case the Soviets would attack. An attack on one, is an attack on all. What is this organization?
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Name the 3 "bad" presidents of the 1970s and name them in order
Nixon, Ford, Carter
The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that repealed the 18th amendment on prohibition (the ban or sale of alcohol)?
21st Amendment
The 7 principles of the US Consitution: What is the one that is missing from this list? Separation of powers, checks and balances, limited government, popular Sovereignty, _______________, individual rights
What led to the stock market Crash of 1929? Name at least 2 causes
Overspeculation Buying on a Margin Overproduction Dust Bowl Limited Trading with other countries (Hawley Smoot Tariff)
This was a promise made by President Truman to contain communism anywhere in the world. The US was promising to help any country who needed it. What was this promise called?
Truman Doctrine
Name the 5 "modern" presidents starting from president elected in 1980 all the way to present day. Name them in order!
Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama
Amendment that allows Women's Suffrage
19th Amendment
British passenger ship that left NY City for Liverpool. A German submarine sank this passenger ship, killing more than 1,000. This was one of the causes for the US entering WWI. What is the name of this?
The US just got out of WWI and wanted to "return to normalcy" during the 1920's. This meant staying out of foreign affairs. This is known as....
US ships were attacked in the Vietnamese waters. As a reaction to this, President Johnson sent troops to Vietnam without Congress's permission with this. This is why the US enters the war. What is this called?
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Name 4 presidents who lived/dealt with the Cold War
Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, George H.W. bush
direct election of senators
17th amendment
Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft & Woodrow Wilson were the presidents from 1900-1920. They were known for trust busting/cracking down on monopolies, cracking down on corruption in government, making social reforms to make life better and conservation of natural resources and land in America. What time period is this?
Progressive (Progressive Era, Movement)
Name the two heros/generals of D-Day. Hint: one became a President in the 1950's
Omar Bradly Dwight Eisenhower
Name the 3 leaders of the Chicano Movement
Dolores Huerta Hector Garcia Cesar Chavez
This president balanced the US budget and even created a surplus for the first time in years. He dealt with several foreign conflicts (Somalia, Rwanda) Also suffered from scandal because of him having an illicit affair and lying under oath about it. Which president is this?
Bill Clinton
the Amendment that allows income tax :(
16th Amendment
The Germans sent this to Mexico's ambassadors asking them to go to war with the US to distract them in exchange for land in America. This eventually got back to the US and was the second cause for the US to enter WWI. What is this called?
Zimmerman Telegram (or note)
This action/law by President FDR was passed in response to Pearl Harbor and caused all people of Japanese descent in America to be placed in internment camps
Executive Order 9066
Plessy vs. Ferguson is overturned in this court case in the 1950's because they realized that "separate but equal" was not working. This allowed the desegregation of schools for African Americans. What is this court case called?
Brown vs. Board (of Education of Topeka)
This President used "Supply side economics", dealth with the Iran-Contra Scandal, appointed the first woman to the US supreme Court (Sandra Day O'Connor) and increased spending on the military due to the Cold War. He was the President for the entire 1980s
Ronald Reagan