Earth and Plate Tectonics
Relationships in Nature
Nature of Science
Reproduction and Energy
Around the inner core is what layer of the Earth?
What is the outer core
What is the role of decomposers?
What is to recycle nutrients from dead material back into the soil.
Would the following be an example of repetition or replication? I conduct an experiment where I count the number of waves that pass a certain point. I count the waves for one minute, five different times.
What is repetition
What are the three ways heat is transferred?
What is conduction, convection, and radiation
What is the greatest threat to an ecosystem?
What is habitat loss.
Rock that is weathered is broken down into smaller pieces of rock called what?
What is sediments
Which of the following would not impact the likelihood a species could go extinct? A. Diversity of traits B. Environmental change C. Plenty of rainfall D. Rapid reproduction
What is plenty of rainfall
Which of the following would best be represented by a 3-D model? A. History of Earth B. A human cell C. History of volcanism in Pompeii D. Evolution of animals throughout history
What is a human cell.
If I put cold objects into warm water, in what way would the thermal energy (heat) move?
What is from the water to the cold objects
If I conduct an experiment to see what type of ball I can throw the fastest, which of the following would be empirical evidence to support my findings? A. What the ball is made of B. How large the ball is C. Who the ball D. The speed which the balls were thrown
What is the speed which the balls were thrown
The collision of what types of tectonic plates usually forms mountains and mountain ranges?
What is continental plates
What symbiotic relationship is described as one organism benefitting while the other is not affected?
What is commensalism
What is the difference between a theory and a law?
What is a law describe phenomena (something that happens), and a theory describes why a phenomena happens.
Describe the energy transformations that occur with the lighting of a match?
What is chemical to thermal and electromagnetic.
If one organism produces a new, identical organism, what is this called?
What is asexual reproduction
Name the three ways metamorphic rocks can be formed?
What is heat, pressure, and chemical activity
What is a change that increases a species ability to survive called?
What is an adaptation
What is the best way to gain data from natural occurrences that cannot be replicated in an experiment?
What is observe and make inferences
If I were to modify a plant to taste bad to insects, what process would this be described as?
What is genetic engineering
Which of the following does NOT happen when light travels from water to air? A. Diffracts B. Speeds up C. Changes direction D. Refracts
What is diffracts.
What natural process proved Alfred Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift 60 years after he proposed it?
What is seafloor spreading
Name three out of the four fields of science used to support the theory of evolution.
What is comparative anatomy (homologous and analogous structures), embryos (embryology), vestigial structures, fossils, and molecular biology could all be accepted
If I shoot three arrows at a target, I hit the bullseye each time. Would this be accurate or precise?
What is both accurate and precise
If I have guinea pigs where black fur is dominant over brown fur. What would be the chance of having a brown fur offspring if a homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive mate?
What is 0%
With radioactive decay to absolute date a rock, what are we actually comparing?
What is the amount of parent material (radioactive) to daughter material (stable)