Word Meaning 1
Word Meaning 2
Dictionary definition: adj.having no real existence; fictitious; celebrated; famous; renowned A. historical B. fabled C. short story D. informational
What is B. fabled?
What is the definition of Characterization?
What is Characterization explains the details about a character in a story?
For each word or phrase, choose the correct replacement for the capitalized parts. If the area to be planted is sunny, the plant choices are ABUNDANT, HOWEVER IF there is more shade, the plant pool shrinks. Replace abundant, however if with A. abundant, however, if B. abundant; however, if C. abundant: however, if D. abundant, however; if
What is B. abundant; however, if?
Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word conjecture. I've made various conjectures on how the situation would turn out A. refuse B. compute C. prove D.speculation
What is D.speculation?
Def. n. first in importance, rank, value, etc; chief A. Principle B. Princess C. Principal
What is C. Principal?
choose the correct replacement for the CAPITALIZED parts Gardeners working with the right plants, adding nutrients to the soil, AND BLOOM TIMES can ensure that their garden is lovely to look at for most months of the year. Replace and bloom times with A. and bloom times B. and with thought to blooming times C. and considering bloom times in their planting D. and to bloom times
What is C. and considering bloom times in their planting
What is the meaning of the word Chlorophyll as it is used in the sentence. This group includes those algae in which the green colouring matter, chlorophyll, is not accompanied by a second colouring matter, as it is in other groups. A. photons B. green pigment present in all plant C. photosynthesis D. atoms
What is B. green pigment present in all plant?
How would you best define whither? A. To which speed or location B. To which specified place or position C. To which selection D. To which fondation
What is B. to which specified place or position Ex. Whither are we wandering?
Choose the correct replacement for the CAPITALIZED parts. Great gardeners, THOSE WHOM OFTEN DO THEIR BEST WORK in the most challenging situations, know that shady spots are ideal places to locate water elements which can include a small waterfall, an artificial stream, or an inky black reflecting pool. Replace those whom often do their best work with A. those whom often do their best work B. those who often do their best work C. who often do their best work D. who are often doing their best work
What is C. who often do their best work
What is the meaning of a rhetoric device? A.a metaphor where something being compared is referred to by something closely associated with it B.uses words in a certain way to convey meaning or to persuade. C.compares two different things that have some similar characteristics D. makes an idea less important that it really is
What is uses words in a certain way to convey meaning or to persuade?
Which statements best defines character development? A.the protagonist in the student B.the change characters undergoes through the course of a story as a result of the conflict C.how important the character is to the story, D. the characters interactions with each other
What is B.the change characters undergoes through the course of a story as a result of the conflict?
Choose the correct replacement for the CAPITALIZED parts. While colorful gardens WHICH ARE FILLING WITH BLOOMING FLOWERS are delightful, true garden lovers know that nothing is as soothing as finding a cool, shaded nook on a summer day. Replace which are filling with blooming flowers with A. which are filling with blooming flowers B. filled with blooming flowers C. filling with blooming flowers D. which are filling blooming flowers
What is B. filled with blooming flowers
Which word is best defined a he process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. A. Photosynthesis B. Chlorophyll C. Sunbeams D. Oxygen
What is A. Photosynthesis?
Def. n. A basic truth, law, or assumption. Which word goes with the definition? A. Primer B. Principle C. Principal
What is B. Principle?
In preparation for her run, Alicia __________, applied sunscreen, and increased the volume on her iPod. A. tightened her shoelaces B. was tightening her shoelaces C. did tighten her shoelaces
What is A. tightened her shoelaces