Industrialism / Industrial Revolution
Imperialism and WWI
Reconstruction and Civil Rights
Cold War and Post-Cold War
This is the name for groups of workers who organize to protect their rights.
What are labor unions (unions)?
World War One officially ended with this treaty, signed in 1919.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
The US entered WWII after the Japanese attacked this Naval base in Hawaii.
What is Pearl Harbor?
She began a movement in the South when she refused to surrender her bus seat to a white man.
Who is Rosa Parks?
"Cold War" is the name for the struggle between the United States and this nation, which often spilled over into violence in other, smaller nations.
What is the USSR (Russia)?
This the action taken when groups of workers decide to stop working until their demands (usually for higher pay or safer conditions) are met.
What is a strike?
This intercepted message from Germany to Mexico prompted calls for the US to enter World War One.
What is the Zimmerman Telegram?
Following the death of President Roosevelt (FDR), this man took over as President.
Who is Harry Truman?
The effort to "reconstruct" the United States took a different direction under this man, who became President after Lincoln was assassinated.
Who is Andrew Johnson?
Winston Churchill popularized this metaphorical name for the division between the East and the West after World War Two.
What is the Iron Curtain?
The name for the era, from the 1890s to the 1920s, that saw many reforms in America, including the rise of labor unions and the right of women to vote.
What is the Progressive Era?
This President proposed the Fourteen Points, which were intended to rearrange the world after World War One.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
This naval battle in June 1942 was a stunning victory for the US over Japan, and marked a turning point in the war.
What is the Battle of Midway?
Images of peaceful protestors being attacked by police on a bridge near this town galvanized support for the Civil Rights Movement.
What is Selma, Alabama?
An anti-Vietnam protest turned deadly when National Guardsmen opened fire on unarmed students on May 4, 1970, at this University.
What is Kent State University?
These were journalists who drew attention to corrupt insitutions or leaders.
Who are muckrakers?
Following the Spanish-American War, the United States gained possession of this Pacific nation, and then crushed its independence movement.
What are the Philippines?
The D-Day invasion commenced on June 6, 1944, on this stretch of French coast.
What is Normandy?
This man, a union leader and civil rights activist, co-founded the United Farm Workers in 1962, and used the slogan "Sí, se puede" to inspire people.
Who is César Chávez?
This Senator's name is now used to describe any persecution of people with dissenting political opinions.
Who is Joseph McCarthy?
This woman, originally a schoolteacher and dressmaker, became an organized labor leader and cofounded Industrial Workers of the World.
Who is Mother Jones?
Beginning the early 20th century, the US increasingly extended its international influence by using financial pressure on other nations, a practice known by this alliterative name.
What is dollar diplomacy?
The US government raised money for the war partly by selling these, which are essentially IOUs from the government to the people.
What are war bonds?
The purpose of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
What is to end slavery, to guarantee the Constitutional rights of former slaves, and to give African-Americans the vote.
President Kennedy (JFK) was shot by this man, on this date, in this city?
What are Lee Harvey Oswald, 11/22/63, and Dallas?