Foreign Phrases
A Conflict of Interests
How Ironic!
Person of the Week
How Poetic
Mr. Keating suggested his students make the most of every moment by uttering this Latin foreign phrase
What is Carpe Diem
In the short story "The Necklace" Mathilde's husband runs around in the rain looking for the misplaced necklace. This is an example of what type of conflict?
What is Man vs. Nature
The clueless blonde girl in the horror flick never sees the killer behind the door, but you the audience members are squirming in your seats because you know that this type of irony is occuring.
What is dramatic irony?
Narrative type stories always use the pronoun "I" and are examples of this point of view.
What is first person point of view?
Jumbo Shrimp, baby Grand, beautiful disaster are all examples of this poetic term
What is an oxymoron?
Maybe the reason this foreign phrase shows up on our money is because our ONE nation was formed out of MANY colonies.
What is E plurbis Unum?
You are at prom where you find 100$ lying near the punchbowl. You know you should take it to an adult but you are tempted to keep it because you are struggling with this type of conflict.
What is Man vs. Self
A lock smith trying to break into his own vehicle would be this amusing type of irony.
What is situational irony?
Even though your mother probably tells you never to exaggerate; it is perfectly acceptable to do so when using this poetic device.
What is hyperbole?
Members of this group have much in common because they themselves are the common people.
What is the hoi polloi?
Odysseus meets Cyclops and has to out smart him to save himself and his men reavealing this epic type of conflict.
What is man vs. supernatural
This point of view is generally revealed by the dialouge of two characters. There is no evidence of how they feel inside, but their conversation is recorded.
What is third person point of view?
This meter in poetry we clapped out on our hands "Strong soft, strong soft, strong soft, strong soft, strong soft. For a total of five iambs of "feet"
What is iambic pentameter?
When a person goes on and on and on to a "sickening" degree we say it is this foreign phrase.
What is ad nauseum?
"The Highwayman" was an example of this type of poem that usually focuses on something (or someone) from history and ends tragically.
What is an epic?
This foreign phrase just does not follow.
What is non sequitir?
When all the thoughts of EVERY character are known this type of point of view is being used.
What is third person omniscient?
This type of Poem is found in Romeo and Juliet. It consists of 14 lines with a rhyme pattern of abab, cdcd, efef gg
What is a Sonnet