
What type of writing is a narrative? 

Telling a story 


What type of writing is informative

aims to educate/inform the reader about a topic


Another word for argumentative writing is

Persuasive writing 


Which punctuation is appropriate for the blank in this sentence? 

Even when the house looks clean ____ there is usually a bunch of dirt swept under the rug

comma , 


First person POV should only be present in this type of writing 



What is the end of a narrative called? This is where conflict comes to a close and characters are fully developed 



What is a synonym of informative writing? 



Each argument made in argumentative writing should be supported with...

Textual evidence 


Which punctuation mark is appropriate for the blank space in this sentence? 

Italy is my favorite foreign country ____ in fact, I plan on staying there for three weeks this summer.



How much total time is given to you for the English I EOC Subpart 1 (writing) 

85 minutes 


What is the turning point in a narrative? 

Climax, high point


Which of the following are forms informative writing? 


Compare & Contrast


Fiction storytelling


Cause & Effect


Compare & Contrast 

Cause & Effect


What is one possible claim that can be made based on the prompt below? 

"Write an essay in which you take a position on whether or not exes can be friends. Use information from both passages in your essay." 

1. Exes cannot be friends. 

2. Exes can be friends. 


Which sentence has the correct subject-verb agreement?

a) Each of the students in the class writes an essay.

b) Each of the students in the class write an essay.

c) Each of the students in the class writing an essay.

d) Each of the students in the class writing essays. 

a) Each of the students in the class writes an essay.


What are the stages of the writing process?

  1.  prewriting (planning and brainstorming), drafting (writing the first draft), revising (making changes to improve content and structure), editing (correcting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors), and proofreading (carefully reviewing the final draft for any mistakes)


Which statements about Benjamin Franklin’s brother, James, would NOT be appropriate to include in a biography about Benjamin Franklin?

A. James Franklin went to jail for a few weeks in 1722 for a controversial article he published in his paper, The Courant. Benjamin ran the paper while James was in prison.

B. James Franklin and Benjamin Franklin did not get along well. James held Benjamin under contract as an apprentice from 1717 until 1723. He treated Ben badly enough that Ben ran away before the contract expired.

C. I think James Franklin was jealous of his brother, Benjamin, because he worried that someday Benjamin would be a famous man with many inventions and accomplishments to his name.

C. I think James Franklin was jealous of his brother, Benjamin, because he worried that someday Benjamin would be a famous man with many inventions and accomplishments to his name.


What is the focus of a compare and contrast essay?

The similarities and differences between the objects of focus 


Which of the following claims is most likely to have sufficient evidence?

A. There is intelligent, developed alien life in the universe, but humans are not advanced enough yet for aliens to be willing to contact us.

B. There will be a new, extremely popular form of social media that will eclipse all existing popular sites and apps within ten years.

C. Sleep deprivation can have serious side effects, especially for children and teens.

D. Squirrel bites might be dangerous, so let’s eliminate squirrels.

C. Sleep deprivation can have serious side effects, especially for children and teens.


“If the people of that other world are wise, they will think carefully before renewing human existence from the seeds we send.” 

What type of clause is the following part of the sentence above? “If the people of that other world are wise…”

dependent clause


What is the purpose of a thesis statement in an essay?

A thesis statement states the main idea or argument of an essay and provides a roadmap for the reader. It helps focus the essay and guides the writer in developing their argument or analysis.


Name at least 4 types (genres) of narrative writing (either fiction or nonfiction) 

Fiction: Drama, short story, novel, novella 

Non fiction: Biography, autobiography, memoir, diary


Which is the best thesis sentence for an essay comparing two models of computer?

A. The X2 and the ZB4 are both great computers, but some people really prefer one over the other. 

B. Although price may be a big consideration, choosing either the X2 or the ZB4 depends mostly on the performance you require for various applications.

C. I have a friend who uses the X2, and he has assured me that everyone at his workplace agrees it is better than the ZB4.

B. Although price may be a big consideration, choosing either the X2 or the ZB4 depends mostly on the performance you require for various applications.


Identify the claim in this introductory paragraph

"Although driver’s education classes are costly and school funding is a complex issue, every high school in Shelby County should be required to offer driver’s education classes for students because it lowers the number of unlicensed drivers that are on the streets, increases student safety , and supports families who may not be able to help their child with driver’s education."

every high school in Shelby County should be required to offer driver’s education classes for students

  1. Which of the following is the definition of a pronoun?

    1. Modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb

    2. Modifies a noun or a pronoun

    3. Takes the place of a noun

    4. Shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in a sentence

  1. Takes the place of a noun


Identify the counterclaim in this introduction paragraph 

All relationships are complicated, but mixing romance in with friendship is particularly complicated. Even if you are a very mature person, it is challenging to navigate unclear boundaries in relationships. Although some believe it is possible to be friends with an ex if you try hard enough, being friends with an ex is not possible because either you or your ex will still have romantic or negative feelings, it complicates your other relationships, and it makes committing to singleness or a new relationship too difficult.

 Although some believe it is possible to be friends with an ex if you try hard enough
