Word Agreement
Writing Process
Punctuation Probs
Spelling & Word Choice
Understanding Writing

The best thing about my brother is that he helps me with my homework.

Correct as is

The best thing about my brother is that he helps me with my homework.


This tool that begins the essay is designed to keep the reader engaged.

What is the hook?


If you qualify: they can help make your dream of foreign travel a reality!

If you qualify, they can help make your dream of foreign travel a reality!





State a method and example of determining the subject of a sentence.

 1. Find the verb in the sentence
 2. Ask yourself, “Who or what (performs the action of the verb)?”
For Example Sentence A: Who won? The wrestler won...so wrestler is the


Lorna seemed as confident and prepared as the professional politicians whose appeared on the Sunday morning talk shows.

Lorna seemed as confident and prepared as the professional politicians who appeared on the Sunday morning talk shows


This writing technique allows the writer to state and refute an argument that that an opponent or debater might state.

What is Counterclaim?


The trail was planned, the construction company donated a small bulldozer for demolition.

Comma splice

The trail was planned and the construction company donated a small bulldozer for demolition.



correct as is



How would you describe the sentence "Raising both arms in victory" .

What is a sentence fragment?


With just a minimum of campaigning, the presidency could be his.

With just minimal campaigning, the presidency could be his.


How can you improve this thesis statement?Participation in the Summer Student Exchange Program fosters flexibility, independence, and you will grow up a lot. 

Participation in the Summer Student Exchange Program fosters flexibility, independence, and growth.

(parallel structure)


It was a cold, drizzly day in February, it was the kind of day that made me want to curl up on the sofa and watch movies on TV.

It was a cold, drizzly day in February. It was the kind of day that made me want to curl up on the sofa and watch movies on TV.

(Comma splice)


Gerunds are always singular. For example,"Skiing is one of my favorite activities."

Gerunds are -ing forms of a word.


What have you created when you have more than one complete  idea running together in a sentence with no punctuation for separation?

What is a runon sentence?


A lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables contributes or contribute to many people’s difficulty losing weight.

What is contribute?


Good writers not only delete  irrelevant ideas but also put remaining ideas using words that create a logical order.

What are transitions?


If you list three or more words, prepositional phrases, or clauses in a series, you need to use this punctuation to separate them.

What is a comma?


The four sentences indicate a cornerstone of writing.

  1. The cat is sleeping.
  2. The cats are sleeping.
  3. He runs every morning.
  4. They run every morning.

What is subject-verb agreement?


These words signal a contrast between  the ideas they link.

What are but and however?


What is the golden rule of word agreement?

Only the subject effects the verb.


Name one limit on word choice in a VA SOL Persuasive Essay.

Do not write in first person, state in  my opinion, or any similar example.


Colons are only allowed when you have an independent clause.

What is do not use a color for a sentence fragment or dependent clause>


This name identifies an individual or group who write plays.

What is a Playwright?


Rewrite this sentence for more clarity and better comprehension.  “Installing a curfew,  teens and police would be facing unnecessary tension  created by lawmakers and that would be unwise.” Pic your choice.

⚫ A. Installing a curfew, teens and police would be unwisely  facing unnecessary tension created by lawmakers.

⚫ B. Lawmakers would be unwise to install a curfew and create  unnecessary tension between teens and police. 

⚫ C. Installing a curfew, police and teens would be unwisely  facing unnecessary tension created by lawmakers.  

⚫ A. Installing a curfew, teens and police would be unwisely  facing unnecessary tension created by lawmakers.
