Context Clues
Main Idea
Text Structure

Becky was having a slumber party. The day of the party, her friend Alli called. Alli said she was sick and wouldn't be able to come. Becky was _____ that her friend couldn't make it to the party. But Becky decided to save her some special treats to help make her feel better. 

The word that would best fit in the blank is:

A. Delighted

B. Difficult

C. Disappointed 

C. Disappointed 


I see bubbles rising. I hear my own breathing. There are fish swimming above me. I feel the seaweed swaying. 

What inferences can you make:

A. Someone is swimming in a pool

B. Someone is swimming in the ocean

C. Someone is swimming in the river

B. Someone is swimming in the ocean. 

What is that sound, like a song, coming from outside the window? A small little bird flies to the bird feeder to get some sweet juice. It is a hummingbird. the hummingbird gets its name because of the sound its wings make as it flies. Many people enjoy listening to hummingbirds. 

What is the main idea? 

A. Hummingbirds like sweet juice. 

B. Hummingbirds make a humming sound.

C. People enjoy listening to hummingbirds. 

B. Hummingbirds make a humming sound.


The Vancouver Island marmot is a kind of large rodent that lives high in the mountains of Vancouver Island in Canada. Climate change and logging have caused a large decrease in their population Scientists believe that there are less than a hundred of them left in the wild. 

Which text structure is used in this paragraph?

A. Compare and Contrast 

B. Description

C. Cause and Effect

D. Sequence 

C. Cause and Effect


Maya’s grandmother told her something once that she’d never forget. “There’s only one you baby, and life’s so much easier when you realize no one is better at being you, than you.”

What is the theme?

a) family

b) self-esteem

c) hard work

b) self-esteem


Freddy's mom knew he was not feeling well. He ___ ate any of his favorite dinner, macaroni and cheese. After the meal, Freddy excused himself and went straight to bed without asking to watch his favorite television show. 

A. swiftly 

B. hardly

C. lightly 

B. hardly

With clippers in one hand and scissors in the other, Chris was ready to begin the task. He put a cape over the small child. 

What inference can you make about this situation?

A. Chris is a superhero 

B. Chris is a chef

C. Chris is a barber/hair dresser. 

C. Chris is a barber/hair dresser.


Sam puts on his boots and goes outside. He is excited. Today is Saturday. That means he can do whatever he likes. He hears the birds and smells the fresh air. Same decides to go on a hike. Hiking up mountains, he sees chipmunks, deer, and rabbits. He is very happy to be outside. 

What is the main idea:

A. Sam saw chipmunks, deer, and rabbits. 

B. Sam enjoys being outside. 

C. Sam hikes up the mountain every Saturday. 

B. Sam enjoys being outside.


I do my chores each Saturday. First, I fold the laundry and put it away. then I sweep and mop the kitchen floor. After that, I empty all the garbage cans and the recycling. Finally, when all of my chores are finished, I can go outside and play. 

Which text structure is used in this paragraph?

A. Compare and Contrast

B. Description

C. Problem and Solution 

D. Sequence 

D. Sequence 


Amanda broke her father’s

favoritemug. Her friend said

she should hide it and he would never know. But, Amanda decided to be honest and come clean.

What is the theme?

a) doing the right thing

b) beverages

c) accidents

a) doing the right thing


A dragonfly is a beautiful flying insect. It has a long, slender body with four large wings. It can reach speeds of up to 60 miles and hour. They fly so ___ that they can easily escape from birds and other animals. 

A. slowly

B. sweetly

C. swiftly 

C. swiftly


I hear a loud "thwack" as the ball flies high into the air. The crowd roars with excitement and I run fast before the ball is brought back. 

What inference can you make:

A. The boy is playing soccer

B. The boy is playing baseball 

C. The boy is playing football 

B. The boy is playing baseball. 


Aunt Mary goes to the beach every summer. She owns a house on the beach. She always invites Sarah, her niece, to go with her. Mary and Sarah love to walk along the beach and squish the sand between their toes. They splash in the water and build beautiful sandcastles. 

What is the main idea?

A. Squishing sand between your toes is fun.

B. Aunt Mary and Sarah go to the beach every summer. 

C. They build sandcastles. 

B. Aunt Mary and Sarah go to the beach every summer.


Did you know that not all deserts are hot? Both hot and cold deserts are very dry, but unlike hot deserts, cold deserts have long winters when the temperatures can reach below freezing. Cold deserts also get a great deal of snow, which is certainly not true for hot deserts. 

Which text structure is used in this paragraph?

A. Compare and Contrast

B. Cause and Effect

C. Problem and Solution 

D. Description 

A. Compare and Contrast 

A man at the train station cut

to the front of the line, but

no one said a word. Bianca

walked up to the man and

reminded him where the line ended.

What is the theme?

a) taking a stand

b) transportation

c) exercise

a) taking a stand


The United States has sent space probes to explore the outer planets. Pioneer 10 was ___ in 1972. It passed through the asteroid belt in 1973 and became the first object made by humans to reach the outer solar system. The probe discovered information about Jupiter's atmosphere. 

A. launched 

B. crashed

C. started 

A. launched 

The sun was very hot. Katie cried as ice cream dripped down her arm. She had spent her own quarter for that ice cream cone. 

What inference can you make:

A. Katie dropped her ice cream cone

B. Katie's sister stole her ice cream cone

C. Katie's ice cream melted 

C. Katie's ice cream cone melted. 


There are clothes on his bed and clothes on the floor. Reid has things all over the place! You can even see part of a sandwich under his bed. This is the biggest disaster I have ever seen. Reid's mom is coming home soon. He only has one hour to get it clean, or else! 

What is the main idea:

A. Reid likes to keep sandwiches.

B. Reid has a very messy room.

C. Reid's mom will be home in one hour. 

B. Reid has a very messy room.


Spending too much time in the sun can lead to sunburn, dehydration, and even skin cancer. One way to help prevent these problems is to make sure that you wear sunscreen whenever you are outside. It is also a good idea to avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day, between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. 

Which text structure is used in this paragraph?

A. Compare and Contrast

B. Description

C. Problem and Solution 

D. Sequence

C. Problem and Solution 


Cameron felt bad when a bunch of rowdy boys pushed Ted in the cafeteria. He walked over and helped him get the mustard off his shirt.

What is the theme?

A) honesty

B) Menus

C. Compassion

C. Compassion


When Brandon checked in at the airport, he was told that the airline had overbooked the flight. There were no ___ seats on the plane. The airline announced that they would give a free ticket to anyone who gave up their seat. People raced to the ticket counter. 

The word that would best fit in the blank is: 

A. Blue 

B. Vacant

C. New 

B. Vacant 


In the morning, we noticed that the trees were uprooted and homes were missing their rooftops. 

What inference can you make: 

A. It is a beautiful day 

B. There was a severe storm last night 

C. It snowed more than 5 feet! 

B. There was a severe storm last night.


Jack is going on a camping trip with his Boy Scout troop to Big Rock Mountain. Since Jack is the leader, he will be the first one ready to leave. He has to lead the troop to its campsite and set up camp. Then, he has to get a fire started and make sure everyone is safe.

What is the main idea? 

A. The troop is climbing Big Rock Mountain

B. Jack is the leader of his Boy Scout Group

C. To go camping, you must know how to start a fire. 

B. Jack is the leader of his Boy Scout Group


The space needle was built in 1962 in Seattle, Washington for the World's Fair. It is 605 ft tall (184 m) from the ground to the aircraft warning beacon at the very top. Visitors can ride an elevator to the observation deck at 520 (158 m) feet. They can also dine in a revolving restaurant near the top of the needle.

Which text structure is used in this paragraph? 

A. Compare and Contrast

B. Description 

C. Problem and Solution

D. Sequence 

B. Description 


When Zedawas ill, her aunt

Irene would sit up by her side

all night. Aunt Irene was also someone Zedatrusted for advice on some of her challenges.

What is the theme?

a) illness

b) love

c) self-control

b) love
