A figure of speech that uses like or as to compare two or more unlike things?
What is a simile?
a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others.
What is a Confidant.
What is this and when should it be used?
What is a semicolon? and it is used to link two independent clauses of similar thought
the long and short patterns through stressed and unstressed syllables, particularly in verse form.
what is rhythm?
Somewhere to get reliable information
What is reliable sources?
A figure of speech that does not use like or as to compare two or more unlike things?
What is a metaphor?
a person who helps another commit a crime
What is accomplice?
This is an example of...
The test was graded by the teacher.
What is passive voice?
the pattern of lines that rhyme with other lines in a poem or a stanza.
what is rhyme scheme?
information that cannot be trusted
what is unreliable sources?
What type of figurative language is displayed below?She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
What is Alliteration?
incongruous or inappropriate to shocking degree; comically or repulsively ugly or distorted.
What is Grotesque?
a word or phrase that modifies, or describes, another word or phrase.
what is a modifier?
uses figures of speech to be more effective, persuasive, and impactful.
what is figurative language?
one sentence, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay
what is thesis statement?
What type of figurative language is displayed below? The audience knew Tom was waiting behind the door to trap Jerry, while Jerry was clueless.
What is dramatic irony?
What is Avenge?
What is a way to know if a sentence is in passive voice?
What is "by zombies"?
Lines that are grouped together (usually each has the same number of lines)
what is stanza?
what are the 3 types of essays?
what is informational, argumentative, and narrative
What type of figurative language is displayed below?
*Gets hit by a car* *Leg is hanging off* "Its just a flesh wound."
What is Sarcasm?
Characterized by or appealing to on abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death or disease
What is Morbid?
often represents a pause in a sentence...can show a clear break or set off
what is a dash?
Poetry that does not have a regular pattern of rhythm or rhyme
what is free verse?
what type of writing format do you use in essays?
what is MLA format