Annabel Lee, P.I.
Annabel Lee, P.I.
Antonio Canova
Antonio Canova

25. Which quote supports Annabel Lee’s point of view that life in her house is like a case waiting to be solved?

A. “I’m working the day shift out of headquarters.”


30. What is the meaning of the word triumphantly in paragraph 32?

B. successfully


33. Which theme do key details in the selection support?

D. Family is most important.


38. What is the reason why “the Count sent for Antonio to come and live with him” the very next day?

B. He wanted to provide Antonio with great art teachers to develop his talent.


26. How does the dialogue in paragraphs 12–19 compare Annabel Lee and her brother, John?

D. It creates a sense of their relationship and implies that John often tolerates Annabel Lee’s behavior.


31. What inference can be made from the question “Have what?” in paragraph 34?

D. Annabel lost the other sock.


34. Where did Antonio get ideas for his “pictures” as a little boy?

C. from stories his grandmother told him


39. Which sentence supports the idea that Antonio achieved success?

D. “In a few years, Antonio Canova became known as one of the greatest sculptors in the world.”


27 What can be inferred from the quote below in paragraph 17? 

“ ‘It’s a sock, see. What do you think it looks like? An elephant?’ ”

C John is bothered by his sister’s help.


32. How does Annabel Lee’s detective approach influence how the events in the story are told?

A. It creates a methodical and orderly structure for the plot.


35. What does the phrase “spread the table” mean in paragraph 8?

D. to decorate the table


40. What is the narrator’s point of view on the servant breaking the sculpture before the Count’s dinner?

A. It caused Antonio to show his great talent.


28. Which statement describes how Mom feels when Annabel asks her about the missing sock?

A. She is upset that the children do not help with the chores.


36. Which event caused Antonio to create the sculpture?

D. The servant broke the original sculpture.


29. Which quote suggests that the mother feels resentment?

B. “ ‘If you and your brother would offer to help once in a while . . .’ ”


37. Which event allowed Antonio to sit at the Count’s table?

C. The statue to be used for the table centerpiece was broken.
