Volume, Area, Perimeter
Name that Shape
Show me the Money
Just Solve It

A ball of yarn is 800 centimeters long when it is unrolled and stretched out. How many meters long is the ball of yarn?

What is 8 meters


A set of books was shipped in a box shaped like a rectangular prism with the dimensions of 5 in wide, 12 in long, and 8 in high. What is the volume of the box?

What is 480 cubic inches


A square, a rectangle. a trapezoid, and a rhombus all belong to which group of shapes?

What is quadrilaterals


Marty bought a kite for himself and 2 friends. Each kite costs two dollars and sixty-five cents. How much did Marty spend?

What is $7.95


7459 X 392 = 

What is 2,923,928


The length of the bed of Dean's truck is 76 inches. What is the length of the bed of Dean's truck in yards?

What is 2  1/9 yards


The length of a rectangle is 10cm and the width is 6cm. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

What is 32 cm


Name the Shape

What is a hexagon


Carla bought 5 magazines at the bookstore for $4.79 each. How much did she pay for the magazines?

What is $23.95


sixteen thousand six hundred forty-six divided by eighty-two

What is 203

How many millimeters are in 22 liters?

What is 22,000ml


A trash can has a base area of 12 square inches and a height of 8 inches. What is the volume of the trash can?

96 cubic inches


Which group contains only polygons?

A. hexagon, circle, oval

B. line, rectangle, square

C. triangle, trapezoid, pentagon

D. triangle, rectangle, circle

What is C


Mike bought a used boat for $19,348.78. He paid $482.90 to repair the boat, then sold it for $22,000.00. How much money did Mike have after repairing and selling the boat?

What is $2,168.32


4  1/2 times 6  2/5 equals

What is 28  4/5


Daily Double

Bobby and his puppy weigh 56 pounds together. If the puppy weighs 128 ounces, what is Bobby's weight in ounces. 16 oz = 1 lb

What is 768 ounces


The width of a rectangle is 4 inches. The length is 3 times as long as it is wide. What is the area of the rectangle?

What is 48 square inches


I am a stretched out circle. What shape am I?

What is an oval


Linda went to the pet store to buy supplies. She put 6 cans of food in her cart for $2.69 each. She put 2 dog leashes in her cart for $6.46 each. She put 4 boxes of treats in the cart for $4.27 each. She puts 2 new pull toys in the cart for $9.99 each. Before she check out she put two boxes of treats back. How much was her total before tax when she checked out?

What is $57.58


13/2 divided by 9/4 equals 

What is 2  8/9


A jar of nickles has a total value of eleven dollars. If each nickle weighs about 5 grams, what is the total weight of the nickles?

What is 1,100 grams


There are 16 tables in a classroom. Each table measures 100 cm long and 50 cm wide. What is the total area of the tables in the classroom?

What is 80,000 square cm


Name the shape

What is a pentagon


Rosa and her husband took their eight children to the zoo. Adult tickets are $25 each. She spent $200.64 total. How much was each child's ticket?

What is $18.83 each 


(9-3x4/6+3) divide [(8/4)2+3x7-20]=

What is 2
