Figurative Language
Main Idea
Test Strategies
Test Vocabulary
Test Vocabulary

What is the difference between a synonym and an antonym

Synonyms mean the same thing, and antonyms mean different things.


What is a main idea?

What a story is mostly about.


Why would it be helpful to read the questions first?

So you know what to look for while you're reading the text. 


What is main idea?

What a story/text is mostly about. 

What is point of view?

The perspective from which a story is told.


What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?

A simile is a comparison using like or as and a metaphor just compares 2 objects.


Why do we need details to support the main idea?

To prove our thinking


Why should you underline the answer to the questions in the passage?

To prove that there are details in the text to back up your answer.


What is author's purpose?

Why the author chose to write the story.

What is the character of a story?

The person or animal that the story is about.


What is onomatopoeia?

A sound word.

Freddie walked to the store to get ice cream. On his walk to the store it started to rain. "Oh man!" he said as he ran the rest of the way so he didn't get wet. When he got to the ice cream store, they were out of his favorite flavor. When he asked for his second favorite, they were out of that as well. "Ugh never mind" thought Freddie and he turned to leave. Right before he left, the manager called "Fresh chocolate ice cream!". "My favorite!" said Freddie and he ran back into line. He happily enjoyed his cone on the sunny walk home.

What is the lesson from this story?

a. Things aren't always as bad as they seem.

b. Ice cream is not good for you.

c. Chocolate ice cream is the best ice cream.

d. Freddie went to get ice cream. 

a. Things aren't always as bad as they seem. 


Which of the following is NOT a good test strategy?

a. Reading the questions first.

b. Going back in the text to find your answer.

c. Reading the passage more than once.

d. Picking a random answer.

d. Picking a random answer.


What are the 3 main types of author's purpose?

To inform, to persuade, to entertain


What is a text feature?

A piece of the text that helps you to understand the text.


What is this an example of:

Her smile is as beautiful as the sun.

a. antonym

b. simile


d. metaphor

b. simile


Soda can be very unhealthy. Soda contains lots of sugar and other ingredients that are not good for you. It is also bad for your teeth. The dentist and doctor both recommend that you drink water more than you drink soda. Having a soda sometimes is ok, but you shouldn't drink it everyday.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. Soda is bad for your teeth

b. Soda can be very unhealthy.

c. Doctors like soda.

d. I can have soda once in a while.

b. Soda can be very unhealthy.


Tell me one good test strategy and why you should use it on the test.

Answers will vary.

What is a context clue?

A clue in the text that helps you figure out a word that you don't know. 
What does it mean to compare and contrast two stories?

When you compare two stories you tell how they are similar, when you contrast two stories you tell how they are different. 


What is this an example of:

The bee was so loud it buzzed right past us.

a. simile

b. metaphor

c. antonym

d. onomatopoeia

d. onomatopoeia


My dog is the best pet on the planet! Her name is Shamrock and she is 13 years old. She is very furry and loves to run around and play games with my brother and I. She barks when the doorbell rings, but she is a very happy dog and wouldn't really hurt anybody. She is the best pet I've ever had.

Which of these is the best statement about how the author feels about her dog?

a. Her dog wouldn't hurt anyone.

b. The dog is furry.

c. Shamrock is the best pet she's ever had.

d. Shamrock is named after the four-leaf clover. 

c. Shamrock is the best pet she's ever had. 

How many test strategies can you come up with in 60 seconds. The group with the most will win all 500 points! 

Answers will vary.


What is a poem and how is it different from a regular story?

A group of lines or stanzas.


What is the central message of a story?

The central message is the lesson you can learn from a story.
