EOG Vocabulary

when you have to use details from the text and prior knowledge to draw a conclusion

Infer / Inference


1. Cleans annoying viruses and pop-ups
2. Easy to install and configure
3. At the low price of $9.99, you can't find a better deal!

We can conclude that the above three lines are an advertisement for

 A. software for your computer.
 B. a plumber.
 C. a dentist.
 D. a doctor.

A. software for your computer


convey means

to show


Hush! Be mindful of where you are,
Be careful where you tread,
For you don't want to go too far,
Too far ahead.

Beware! Look all around,
Look everywhere.
Frightful things can be found,
So please take care.
What best describes the tone throughout the poem?

 A. cautious
 B. scornful
 C. formal
 D. sincere

A. cautious


what a passage is mainly about; conveyed developed through the use of supporting details

central idea


this is the lesson or message that a text can teach us, for example "don't judge a book by its cover"



Daily Double!

My Mother's Amulet
It wasn't just the way she left a kiss
On my forehead —
the tiny smack,
and the cherry lipstick,
and how she pushed my hair,
but gently held my face.
She watched how long I waited
before I wiped the color from my skin,
if I even dared.
She wanted all the evil eyes in the world
to know how I was guarded by a spell—
One mixed with love and strength
And the cherry red.

What is the best way to describe the theme of the poem?

 A. Friends and family are important in life.
B. A mother's love can protect you from evil.
 C. Cherry lipstick can scare away evil beings.
 D. You are sometimes your own worst enemy.

B. A mother's love can protect you from evil.


Boxers are medium-sized, short-haired dogs. They are often brown and sometimes have white markings. Because of their powerful jaws, boxers have strong bites. However, they are generally known to have sweet dispositions. They are, in fact, the sixth most popular dog breed in the United States.

What was the author's purpose in writing this paragraph?

 A. to tell an entertaining story about a boxer dog
 B. to inform the reader about American dog choices
 C. to persuade the reader to buy a boxer dog
D. to give the reader information about boxer dogs

D. to give the reader information about boxer dogs


develop mean

to make or create 


this is how the story unfolds, it is make up of an exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution



Daily Double!

this is when the author just wants the reader to have a good time with the text, or to hold their attention

to entertain


Read the advertisement.

     Smith Delivery Service has been in the Metroplex for 20 years. Many local businesses use our service. Friendly staff will deliver packages, messages, supplies, or whatever else you need, whenever you need it. Smith Delivery Service will improve your business. Smith Delivery Service is owned by the Smith family. Smith Delivery Service has its own Web site. Email or call Smith Delivery Service today!

Which statement is a claim that cannot be supported?

 A. Smith Delivery Service has a Web site and phone number.
 B. People who work for Smith Delivery Service deliver packages.
C. Smith Delivery Service will improve a person's business.
 D. People in the Metroplex have used Smith Delivery Service.

C. Smith Delivery Service will improve a person's business.


Some people think that English is a hard language to learn, but experts disagree. They say that no human language is more or less difficult than any other. All babies learn to speak the language of their parents very quickly. Most babies learn to walk by the time they are a year old. They learn that it's easier for them to get what they want if they can speak. A baby born to parents who speak English will learn English as quickly as a Japanese child whose parents speak Japanese. Of course, experts agree that learning a second language can be much harder.

What is this passage mostly about?

 A. how learning a second language is incredibly hard to do
B. how no human language is more difficult to learn than any other
 C. how English is a harder language to learn than Japanese
 D. how babies can learn the language of their parents very quickly

B. how no human language is more difficult to learn than any other


Daily Double!

My Brother

My brother sometimes drives me crazy,

When we have chores and he acts lazy.

He follows me around everywhere,

But I'll admit that I don't care,

For even when he's being a pest,

He often says, "Sissy, you're the best!"

At those words, my annoyance usually ends,

For we're not just siblings; we are friends.

Which words from the poem best contribute to its distressed tone at the beginning?

 A. He does his best
 B. drives me crazy
 C. gets his way
 D. night and day

B. he drives me crazy


  1.A garden is an insect's favorite restaurant. Insects come to gardens prepared to eat. 3. Some come to suck on nectar and eat pollen. 4. Others chew on leaves, stems, and fruits. 5. Some are predators and prey on other insects and small creatures.

Which sentence features personification?

 A. Sentence 1
 B. Sentence 4
 C. Sentence 3
 D. Sentence 5

A. Sentence 1


contribute means 

to help or add to


The Bear and the Two Travelers

     Two men were traveling together, when a bear suddenly met them on their path. One man climbed up quickly into a tree and hid himself in the branches. The other, seeing that he must be attacked, fell flat on the ground, and when the bear came up and felt him with his snout, and smelt him all over, he held his breath, and feigned the appearance of death as much as he could. The bear soon left him, for it is said he will not touch a dead body. When he was quite gone, the other traveler came down from the tree, and asked his friend what it was the bear had whispered in his ear. "He gave me this advice," his companion replied. "Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger."

What is the theme of the story above?

 A. look out for yourself first, then defend your friends.
 B. It is better to travel with a friend than alone.
C. Difficult situations test the extent of a friend's loyalties.
 D. Hiding from a bear will only make it angry.

C. Difficult situations test the extent of a friend's loyalties.


  All living things have a beginning and an ending. Life begins with birth and ends with death. Between life and death, living things grow and mature. For example, tadpoles are born and then grow and change into frogs. Before the frogs die, they reproduce and make more tadpoles, which completes the cycle of life. What would happen if no new frogs were born to replace those that died? The answer is simple. There would be no more frogs in the world. They would become extinct. The goal of all living things is to survive. Because all living things eventually die, they must reproduce to keep the species alive.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?

 A. Animals become extinct when they die.
 B. Living things require food to stay alive.
 C. Frogs go through many changes in life.
 D. Reproduction is a necessary part of life.


D. Reproduction is a necessary part of life. 


There is no one
That can be better
Because you are brilliant.
There is nothing
That you cannot do
Because you are unbeatable.
There is no place
That you cannot go
Because you are always welcomed.
There is no person
That can hold you back
Because you are unstoppable.
In the poem, why does the author choose to use the words "brilliant," "unbeatable," and "unstoppable"?

 A. to tell a person to stop
 B. to welcome someone
 C. to encourage a person
 D. to plead with someone

C. to encourage a person


The wind took in a giant breath of air and blew it across the park, scattering dried leaves and trash everywhere.

What does the personification in the sentence suggest about the wind?

A. The wind is like a person taking a deep breath in and letting it out.
 B. The wind changed its direction and blew the opposite way.
 C. Wind is able to breathe and create gusts of air.
 D. Like people, wind should clean up after itself.

A. The wind is like a person taking a deep breath in and letting it out.


claims made by the author; the author's position or opinion on a issue or topic

author's argument 


Bird nests are a neon sign for predators because the baby birds' loud chirping draws attention. Therefore, it is important that the young birds learn to fly and leave the nest as quickly as possible.

Based on the context, what does the metaphor "Bird nests are a neon sign for predators" mean?

 A. Baby birds chirp to call attention to their nests but can easily fly away.
 B. Birds build nests next to bright signs so they can find their way back.
C. Predators can easily find bird nests because of the loud baby birds.
 D. Predators look for nests with loud baby birds near flashing signs.

C. Predators can easily find bird nests because of the loud baby birds.


Which statement is an example of a hyperbole?

 A. I hit my head so hard that it made my ears ring.
B. I nearly ate my weight in popcorn chicken at the buffet.
 C. My allergies can get so bad that I can hardly breathe.
 D. I had never heard my mom say anything like that before.

B. I nearly ate my weight in popcorn chicken at the buffet.


The students passed back to their places, not troubling to notice him. They knew from experience that he never noticed them, and that all greetings were wasted on him. They had come to regard him very much in the same way as many of us regard the wonders of nature—without astonishment, without any questionings, and often without any interest.

Which word contributes to the indifferent tone of the last paragraph?

 A. regard
 B. wasted
 C. wonders
 D. interest

B. wasted


 The United States economy seems well on the road to recovery after one of the worst recessions on record. Consumers show surprising resilience as they continue to buy household goods, automobiles, and new homes.

Resilience refers to

 A. having a positive attitude.
B. the ability to recover from misfortune.
 C. an increase in wages.
 D. wanting more than you already have.

B. the ability to recover from misfortune.
