Making Inferences
Main Idea
Making Inferences
Point of View
EOG Vocab

Olivia screamed when an insect with wings flew past her face.

Olivia is scared of insects


Helen held the new baby carefully in her lap, while her anxious parents hovered nearby. Helen could hardly believe how tiny she was. Helen's heart swelled with pride and a new sense of responsibility

Helen has a new baby sister


Courtney smiled and hugged her mother after opening the box.

Courtney was happy about what was in the box


We stuck together; that's how we made it successfully through so many years.

First person



As reported or stated by


I was in a terrible hurry, but I still took the time to stop at the door and pull on my rubber boots. I also located an umbrella from the pil of things in the bottom of the closet, before finally going out. Where am I? 

At home


When food is freeze-dried, every bit of water is removed from it. Without a water content, and the microorganisms that go along with it, food is less likely to spoil, even if it remains at room temperature for many years. Freeze drying also allows the food being preserved to keep its original texture, flavor, and smell, which gives it an advantage over other food preservation methods. What's the main idea?

Freeze-drying is a very effective way to preserve food.


Jasmine was leaving a puddle on the floor as she stood shivering in her wet clothes. 

Jasmine had to walk home on a rainy day


You are responsible for what happens to you.

Second person



The result of an action


When my teacher asked me to come into her class, her voice was stern. Where am I?

School or Classroom


Tony wanted a puppy. “A puppy is a lot of responsibility,” Tony’s mother said. “I don’t know if you are ready for a puppy.” “I am ready,” Tony said. Tony did everything that he could to prove that he was ready to take care of a puppy. He got up for school without complaining. He made up his bed. He put his dishes in the sink every night. He did his homework without being told. What's the main idea?

Tony is ready to take care of a puppy.

Lakyjah glared at Bree and walked out of the room, slamming the door.

Bree had made Lakyjah mad


Six men in suits stood against the wall; the last one fiddled with his tie. 

Third Person



A well-informed guess


When Jah returned to where he had been sitting, a cold soda in his hand, the sandwich that he had left on the coffee table was gone. The plate was exactly as he had left it, but it now sat amidst a scattering of crumbs. Jah looked down at his pitbull who was on the sofa with his eyes lowered and looking away. What happened?

The dog ate his sandwich


Our elementary school chorus had the largest participation in its history this year. They did eight performances - three in school, and five around town - and received an award for Most Improved School Vocal Group from the state. There was a lot of great talent, and ten students make All County Chorus.

Our elementary school chorus had a very successful year.


Kyron made sure that he brushed his teeth and flossed before his appointment.

Kyron was going to the dentist
When I rounded the corner I could hardly believe my eyes - it was the dog! He sat up on his haunches and faced me, begging. 

First Person


Point of View

The perspective from which a story is told


Holly got a book for her birthday. Once she started reading it, it seemed that she never put it down. She read at the breakfast table in the mornings. She read on the bus on the way to school. She read at recess. She read after school until time for dinner. She forgot to do her chores. She forgot to do her homework. She forgot to take a bath. She hardly talked to her family at all during the few days it took Holly to finish the book!

Holly is really enjoying the book.


The tomatoes all got blossom end rot. The squash put out a few nice fruit and then died from vine borers. The eggplants were so badly eaten by potato beetles that they weren’t able to set any fruit. Janice was disappointed. She vowed to study about growing vegetables all winter, so she would be able to do better next year. 

Janice’s garden was not very successful.


Ms. Strickland laughed when the students rolled, ran and fell down the hill.

She was outside


The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless , but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve in an old house, a strangle tale should essentially be. I remember no comment uttered till somebody happened to sat that it was the only case he had met in which such a visitation had fallen on a child 

First person, us



The context and environment in which a story is set
