Mary bought 9 dozen eggs from the grocery store to bake some cakes. How many eggs did Mary buy ?
What is 108 eggs
A restaurant sold 28 salads last week. How many salads were sold each day ?
What is 4 salads
You give 1/3 of a pan of brownies to Susan and 1/3 of the pan of brownies to Patrick. How much of the pan of brownies did you give away?
What is 2/3
John rode 2 kilometers on his bike. His sister Sally rode 3000 meters on her bike. Who rode the longer distance?
What is Sally - 3 kilometers
If 58 out of 100 students in a school are boys, what decimal of the school are boys?
What is .58
Joan, Nancy, Sam, and Dan each have 47 Pokemon cards. How many Pokemon cards do they have in all?
What is 188 cards
There were a total of 33 hockey games during the three month season. If the games are equally divided, how many hockey games are played a month ?
What is 11 games
You go out for a long walk. You walk 3/4 mile and then sit down to take a rest. Then you walk 3/8 of a mile. How far did you walk altogether?
What is 9/8 or 1 1/8 mile
Jessica is measuring two line segments. The first line segment is 30 cm long. The second line segment is 500 mm long. How long are the two line segments together in centimeters?
What is 80 cm long
Melissa purchased $39.46 in groceries at a store. The cashier gave her $1.46 in change from a $50 bill. Melissa gave the cashier an angry look. How much change should she have gotten?
What is $10.54
There are 22 calories in a candy bar. How many calories are there in 26 candy bars?
What is 572 calories
Nancy has 20 dollars in five dollar bills. How many five dollar bills does she have ?
What is 4
A dime is 1/2 inch wide. If you put 5 dimes end to end, how long would they be from beginning to end?
What is 5/2 or 2 1/2 inches
Stephanie and her best friend Brianne went to see a movie. It started at 1:45 and ended at 4:00. How long was the movie?
What is 2 hours and 15 minutes
The times for three runners in a 100-yard dash are 9.85 s, 9.6 s, and 9.62 s. What is the winning time? Put these in order from least to greatest.
What is 9.6 seconds; 9.6, 9.62, 9.85
There are 34 children in the classroom, each student will get 22 pencils. How many pencils will the teacher have to give out ?
What is 748 pencils
Sally and her 3 friends have 120 pencils all together. If the pencils are equally divided, how many will each person get?
What is 30 pencils
Five friends buy a package of 12 cookies and want to share them equally. Each friend will get 1/5 of the cookies. How much will each friend get?
What is 2 2/5 cookies
Steven goes to the grocery store and is looking at a winter squash. It has a mass of 1.8 kilograms. How many grams is the winter squash?
What is 1,800 grams
Brandon is training for the 200-meter dash. His best running time so far was 31.25 seconds. If Brandon wants to run the dash in 27.2 seconds, then how much time must he cut in order to reach his goal?
What is 4.05 seconds
Each extension cord is 272 feet long. What is the total length of 62 extension cords?
What is 16,864
Fred was at the beach for five days and found 32 seashells. He plans to give all of his seashells equally to himself and four friends. How many seashells will each friend get ? Are there any shells leftover? If so, how many?
What is 6 shells; 2 leftover
Susan swims a race in 29 3/10 seconds. Patty swims the race in 33 9/10 seconds. How much faster was Susan than Patty?
What is 4 3/5 seconds faster
Ms. Matal has 4 cups of juice, 3 pints of milk, and 2 quarts of water every day. How much liquid, in cups, does she drink every day?
What is 18 cups
Patricia has $425.82 in her checking account. How much does she have in her account after she makes a deposit of $120.75 and a withdrawal of $185.90? (Deposit - money in, withdrawal - money out)
What is $360.67