EOG Terms
Get a Clue
Author's Purpose
What is a comparison that does use like or as but compares two things that are not alike
D. Frighten or intimidate
In the early 1600s, a dangerous trip across the Atlantic Ocean was a daunting idea. The Europeans, who would someday be known as the Pilgrims, must have been a very determined and brave group of settlers. What does DAUNTING mean? a. tickle b. amuse c. lose or misplace d. frighten or intimidate
C. Turner heard the weather forecast and it predicted rain
Turner almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning. 1. Which probably happened? a. Turner realized that he had an unnatural fear of falling radio parts. b. Turner had promised himself to do something silly that morning. c. Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain. d. Turner planned to trade his umbrella for a bus ride.
What word makes this statement a generalization? All apples are red
Good Choice! The author's purpose was to entertain. He wanted to tell a funny story that would make you laugh.
Joe had been fishing for over two hours without a single bite. Suddenly there was a nibble at the end of his fishing line. He stood up on the boat and leaned out too far. Just then there was a sharp yank on the line. Joe fell overboard and landed head first into the water. Joe and his friends laughed and laughed.
What is it called when the author gives you a CLUE of future events?
B. first
The original Pilgrims called themselves the “Saints” and referred to others who joined with them for the voyage as the “Strangers.” In this context, “original” means _______. a. one of a kind b. first c. humorous c. musical
Sending out a birthday card
1. James licked the final square, posted it at the top corner of the envelope and dropped it in the large blue box. He hoped it would get there in time. Nobody likes a late birthday message. What is James doing? ____________________________________________________________
What word makes this sentence incorrect? Everyone is literate these days.
Inform---about WHAT?
The giant panda is a bearlike animal that has thick white fur with black markings on its ears, limbs, shoulders, and around its eyes. The giant panda feeds on bamboo forests at high altitudes in western China. It also eats bulbs, roots, eggs, and some small mammals. The cubs are born in late winter. The giant panda is an endangered species and is protected by the Chinese government. The purpose of writing this piece was to _____ .
Author's Purpose
What is the reason an author writes an article
d. agreement
The Saints and Strangers argued about how they would live in the New World. After much discussion, they came together and signed the Mayflower Compact. The Compact was _______. a. a container for makeup b. a small item c. a machine used for mashing corn d. an agreement
Operating a computer; losing documents
2. I just can’t figure them out. Sometimes I get so frustrated. Like when I ask the file to save, and I come back an hour later and it has erased my paper. Those are the things that just irritate me. I also can’t stand all these goofy names, ‘mouse’, ‘web surfing’, who ever made up such nonsense. What is frustrating this man? __________________________________________________________
Why is this statement wrong? Anyone could tell you the laws of physics
Persuade parents to stop exposing kids to smoke.
The Surgeon General has reported on the effects smoking has on the health of adults. Furthermore recent studies have found that individuals exposed to second-hand smoke over a period of time also suffer adverse affects to their health. Parents should avoid exposing their children to cigarette smoke and should educate their children on the affects smoking can have on health.
What is it called when the opposite of something happens. (I.e. Students running into the ocean when they see a shark there)
a. Meet
When the Pilgrims landed in what is now Massachusetts, they were fearful that the Native Americans would attack them. However, the people that they encountered, the Wampanoag Indians, were a peaceful and generous tribe. To encounter, is to _______. a. meet b. note how many c. fight d. exchange text messages
Amusement park
3. Maurice loved the feeling of being launched at such fast speeds. He looked forward to the twists and turns, and the upside down loops. The park had gotten so expensive that his family could only afford to go once a year, so Maurice would count down the days until he could feel his hair blowing in the wind as he raced around the track. Where does Maurice’s family go once a year? _____________________________________________
Salesmen (All salesmen are placed in the same category)
What word or phrase makes this statement FALSE "No matter what they say, salesmen don't care a bit about the people they sell to. They just want your money."
he bear and his family went for a walk in the woods. It was a beautiful day and they paused along the way to smell the flowers and marvel at the wonderful day. They soon came to a cottage in the woods and stepped inside to see if anyone was home.
What is it called when the AUTHOR'S expresses the way HE/SHE FEELS in a story?
This third grade was full of precocious children. One child had learned to read at two and another could do algebra at age 6.
The Simpsons
7. He loved all the characters. That was the best part of the show. Homer, Marge, Bart, they all made him laugh. It was nice to sit down, smile, and not worry about a thing after a long day of working. What show does this person watch to relax? _________________________________________________
All African American's eat fried chicken of what type of generalization
Inform about the Iroquois confederacy
The Iroquois Confederacy was formed by the Iroquois Indians in the Eastern Woodlands. The Confederacy was originally made up of 5 members: Onondagas, Senecas, Cayugas, Oneidas, and Mohawk.