Fractions that can be written as decimals. They can a have denominator of 10 or 100.
What are decimal fractions?
The Little Mermaid:
Ursula: Evil, repulsive Ursula, the sea witch, is a destroyer of souls.
What character trait can be best used to describe Ursula in the Little Mermaid?
a. Hopeless
b. Doubtful
c. Cruel
What is cruel?
An ice cube tray, egg carton and a box of crayons are great examples of an _______________.
a. Square
b. Array
c. Quadrilateral
What is an array?
Definition: An object or figure that is the same shape and same size when compared to another.
a. Congruent
c. Product
What is congruent?
Multiply is to product as divide is to ________________.
a. Divisor
b. Subtract
c. Quotient
What is quotient?
These triangles have 2 sides that are equal.
What is are isosceles triangles?
He's Olaf and he likes warm hugs. He is by far the friendliest snowman to walk the mountains above Arendelle.
What character trait can be used to best describe Olaf in Frozen?
a. Brilliant
b. Affectionate
c. Sincere
What is affectionate?
Doing something in the least amount of time or best possible way.
a. Hopeful
b. Studious
c. Efficient
What is efficient?
The amount that remains after one quantity is subtracted from another.
What is the difference?
True or False:
A square has only one line of symmetry?
What is false?
The measure, in square units, of the inside of a plane figure.
What is area?
Cinderella's step sisters were constantly doing mean things to get Cinderella in trouble. They were very sneaky!
What character trait best describes Cinderella's step sisters?
a. Sly
b. Childish
c. Attentive
What is sly?
A synonym for happy is:
a. Optimistic
b. Attentive
c. Jovial
What is jovial?
Definition: An angle that measures more than 90 degrees, but less than 180 degrees.
What is an obtuse angle?
True or False:
All triangles and hexagons are quadrilaterals.
What is false?
Train tracks demonstrate these types of lines.
What are parallel lines?
The Little Mermaid:
Scuttle: A scruffy seagull who loudly & constantly proclaims himself an expert on humans. The problem is - everything is wrong!
What character trait can be used to describe Scuttle?
a. Ignorant
b. Valiant
c. Snobbish
What is ignorant?
An antonym for unkind is:
a. Compassionate
b. Tolerant
c. Valiant
What is compassionate?
Fractions that are used for estimation.
What are benchmark fractions?
True or False:
The number 36 has 6 factor pairs.
What is false?
(1, 36), (2,18), (3,12), (4,9) and (6, 6)
The last step of the box method in multiplication requires you to add all of these types of numbers.
What are products?
Cars: Lightening McQueen believes he is the best race car on the planet. He believes he can win the Piston Cup championship all on his own.
What word character trait describes the character Lightening McQueen?
a. Vivacious
b. Tenacious
c. Conceited
What is conceited?
One and one-half, three and four-eighths and eleven and three fourths are examples of what type of number?
What is a mixed number?
An equilateral triangle has this number of equal sides.
What is three?
An equation has an equal sign while _____________ does not include an equal sign.