1) Define regent.
A person (commonly a mother) appointed to rule a country on behalf of the rightful ruler
2) Define excommunication.
Action of officially excluding someone from participation in the sacraments and services of the church
10) What does the title Magna Carta mean?
Great Charter
11) What did the Magna Carta put above the king?
The law
12) What is an example of a nation whose government was shaped by the Magna Carta?
The United States
7) What did the winner of the Battle of Hastings implement in England?
The feudal system and he built the tower of England.
9) What was King John (brother to King Richard the Lionhearted) known for doing?
Taxing the nobility for his own personal gain
13) Which countries fought in the 100 Years War?
The English and the French
17) Who was present and at his side when Charles VII was crowned the King of France?
Joan of Arc
23) When did Luther post the 95 Theses?
October 31, 1517
3) Who went on crusades? Why did people go on crusades?
Peasants, soldiers, children, etc. went on crusades
They went for forgiveness of sins, sheer adventure, or to make money or gain land
5) Who died in the Battle of Hastings because he struck in the eye by an arrow?
Harold of Wessex
6) As an outcome of the Battle of Hastings, who was called the conqueror and was crowned king of England on Christmas day?
16) What were some problems that Joan of Arc faced?
She was worried about getting taken advantage of as a woman so she wore men’s clothes into battle. She was captured by the English and burned at the stake for heresy
20) Define indulgences. Why were they sold?
Pieces of paper written in Latin (people could not read it) and thought to be ways of buying pardon for sin and escaping guilt for oneself or a loved one. They were sold because the pope needed money to rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica
4) Who was the pope who started preaching to the masses in the West about the trouble in in the Holy Lands?
Pope Urban II
14) What was Joan of Arc’s large role in the 100 Years War?
She thought she heard voices, passed tests that the king put to her, and was put in command of the French army
15) What were some problems that Charles VII from the 100 Years War faced?
He was financially broke, could only be crowned king in the cathedral in Reims
21) What was Martin Luther’s goal in posting the 95 Theses?
He wanted to start a debate, he did not want to separate from the Roman Catholic Church
25) Who was Vittoria Colonna?
She was a friend to Michelangelo. She was a godly woman who encouraged him in his faith. They never had a romantic relationship but Michelangelo grieved her death
8) What was a natural consequence of the British and French fighting in the Battle of Hastings (hint think about language)?
The rise of Middle English (mix of the French and English languages)
18) Roger Bacon saw amazing possibilities in mechanics. He predicted the inventions/use of what?
Motorized boats, cars, airplanes, and submarines
19) What are examples of Leonardo da Vinci’s artwork?
The Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, the Adoration of the Magi
24) What are examples of Michelangelo’s art?
The Pieta, the David, the Last Judgement, Nicodemus
26) What was the date and significance of the Edict of Expulsion
It happened in 1492 when Ferdinand and Isabella signed the edict forcing as many as 800,000 Jews to flee Spain