EY Consulting
Benefits of AI
Limitations of AI
Human/AI Collaboration
Malaysian Culture

This field involves advising businesses on how to best use technology to meet their goals, improve efficiency, and solve problems.

What is technology consulting?


This application helps by suggesting the next work or phase as you type on your smartphone.

What is autocorrect?


AI Systems often struggle with understanding this type of human communication, where the speaker uses words which mean the opposite of what they actually want to say.

What is sarcasm?


This term refers to the process where people work together to achieve a common goal, sharing responsibilities and tasks to improve efficiency and outcomes.

What is collaboration?


This Malaysian dish is made with rice cooked in coconut milk and is often served with sambal, fried crispy anchovies, and peanuts.

What is Nasi Lemak?


This term refers to the advanced analytical process in consulting where firms use predictive analytics and modeling techniques to anticipate trends and advise clients on strategic initiatives.

What is Predictive Analytics?


This type of AI technology can analyze large datasets at speeds and accuracies beyond human capabilities to extract meaningful insights for businesses.

What is data science?


AI performance can degrade when it encounters this phenomenon, which refers to situations where it has not been trained on a diverse enough dataset.

What is overfitting?


This type of AI tool assists human writers by suggesting edits, improving grammar, and even generating text based on given prompts.

What is an AI Writing Assistant?


This annual festival, also known as the "Festival of Lights," celebrates the victory of light over darkness.

What is Deepavali?


This approach involves deploying AI systems to automate routine tasks and enhance operational efficiency within organizations. What is this practice called?

What is AI-driven automation?


AI can allow for this type of activity by predicting hardware or equipment failures before they occur. Triggering proactive actions leading to reduced downtime.

What is Predictive Maintenance?


This AI challenge involves the difficulty of understanding and interpreting decisions made by complex models, particularly those with numerous hidden layers.

What is the Explainability Problem?


This term describes the use of AI to assist rather than replace human workers, such as in creative tasks or decision making.

What is Augmented Intelligence?


This traditional Malaysian art form involves the use wax and colorful dyes to create highly patterned and detailed fabric designs.

What is Batik?


This type of consulting service involves integrating new technologies like AI into existing business processes to drive innovation and efficiency.

What is Digital Transformation?


In the field of natural language processing, this AI model type is used for generating human-like text based on context and prior information, exemplified by OpenAI's GPT range of large language models.

What is a Transformer Model?


This hypothetical scenario describes a situation where an AI system's pursuit of its programmed goal results in negative side effects due to a lack of understanding of human values. It was popularized by AI researcher Nick Bostrom.

 What is the "paperclip maximizer" scenario?


In this collaborative model, AI helps by providing recommendations while humans make final decisions based on contextual knowledge and ethical considerations.

What is Human-in-the-Loop?


This traditional Malaysian performance art involves intricate puppet figures and shadow plays, reflecting stories from Malay folklore.

What is Wayang Kulit?


In technology consulting, this strategic framework helps organizations evaluate and prioritize their IT investments to ensure alignment with long-term business goals, often integrating factors like market trends and emerging technologies.

What is Strategic Technology Roadmap?


This AI paradigm, introduced by Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yoshua Bengio, revolutionized deep learning through the use of convolutional neural networks, particularly for image recognition tasks.

What are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)?


In AI ethics, this complex problem refers to the difficulty of ensuring that AI systems make decisions that align with societal values and legal standards across diverse cultural contexts.

What is Normative Alignment?


This is an interdisciplinary area of psychology and digital engineering, which aims to use AI to enhance human cognitive abilities. 

What is Cognitive Augmentation?


This form of traditional Malaysian literature, known for its poetic and narrative style, includes epic tales and myths passed down through generations in the Malay Archipelago.

What is Hikayat?
