What is Ozone Depletion Potential?
What is the total number of questions per each section Type I, II, and III exam?
What is 25?
If technicians lose their certification card, they must _____________.
What is request a replacement from the company that provided the certification?
Which of the following refrigerant(s) depletes the ozone layer?
R-410A R-22 R-600a
What is R-22?
What are the two lowest layers of the earth's atmosphere?
What is troposphere and stratosphere?
What is Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning?
What is the total number of questions on the Universal exam?
What is 100?
What happens if EPA regulations change after a technician is certified?
What is A technician has the responsibility to keep up with changes in EPA regulations?
The Montreal Protocol is _________.
What is an international treaty that addresses ozone depleting substances and their alternatives?
How many oxygen atoms are in an ozone molecule?
What is three?
What is Global Warming Potential?
How many times can you take the exam?
What is Unlimited - as many times as necessary?
Technicians who violate Clean Air Act provisions _______________.
What is can lose their certification?
_________ refrigerants are the most harmful to stratospheric ozone.
What is CFC?
Is the chlorine from volcanic eruptions more or less than the chlorine from CFCs?
What is less?
What is Chlorofluorocarbon?
What is the passing grade per section on the proctored exam?
What is 72?
Does rewiring a condenser fan violate section 608 certification?
What is No?
Name two health effects increased by loss of the stratospheric ozone layer.
What is cataracts and skin cancer?
The stratosphere contains _____ % ozone.
What is 90?
What is Hydrochlorofluorocarbon?
If you take the Core exam in open book format and later want Type II, III, or Universal, what must you do?
What is Retake the 25 core exam questions in a proctored environment?
Does 608 certification allow a technician to purchase and handle controlled refrigerants?
What is Yes?
Ozone depletion is caused by ______________ in HCFC refrigerants.
What is chlorine?
!Double jeopardy!
What is the Rowland-Molina Theory?
What is One chlorine atom destroys 100,000 ozone molecules?