Epi in Pop Culture
Epi in Medicine
Epi in Physiology
Adrenaline Junkie Activities
Epi-c Love

The quote "Okay, Here We Go. Focus. Speed. I’m speed." was famously said by what cartoon character?

What is Lightning McQueen in Cars (he had adrenaline coursing through his circuitry)


What a shock! Epinephrine is administered in this scenario for its sympathetic effect, including bronchodilation, reducing swelling, and vasoconstriction.

What is: anaphylaxis/anaphylactic shock


At high doses, epinephrine _________ cardiac output and blood pressure, via contractility, heart rate, and vasoconstriction.

What is: increases!!!


This adrenaline-pumping activity involves leaping from a great height while attached to an elastic cord, providing a thrilling free fall before rebounding upward.

What is: bungee jumping?


In a 2006 TRUE story, epinephrine gave hysterical strength to a mother living in Quebec while wrestling this 700-pound furry white animal to protect her two sons

What is: a polar bear?


Tom Cruise played a fighter pilot capable of pushing physical boundaries in this movie, where he famously said “I feel the need…the need for speed!”

What is Top Gun?


Quick! Somebody call 911! In this emergency situation, epinephrine is often administered to improve cardiac output.

What is: cardiac arrest!


Epinephrine is responsible for a physiological state of sympathetic stimulation, colloquially known as _____________.

What is: Fight or flight?


This high-adrenaline activity involves jumping out of an aircraft and free-falling before deploying a parachute to descend safely to the ground.

What is sky-diving?


Falling in love comes from the release of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and this neurotransmitter responsible for feeling pleasure

What is: Dopamine?


In Twilight, Edward claims to have experienced this phenomenon, allowing him to save Bella from being crushed by a skidding van.

What is: Adrenaline rush


Epinephrine promotes this process in the liver, increasing blood glucose.

What is: glycogenolysis


Epinephrine is typically used for mydriasis (another word for pupil ___). This makes it useful for cataract surgery and checking if an angry bear is heading your way.

What is dilation?


This type of amusement park ride features a track with sharp turns, steep drops, and sometimes loops, and is often known for its high speeds and thrills.

What is a rollercoaster?


In a 2005 fMRI study, this region of the brain, also known as the fight or flight center, was shown to have lower activity when subjects were shown pictures of someone they love.

What is: the Amygdala - reduced fear response to someone you love <3 


In this Tarantino flick, Uma Thurman accidentally overdoses on heroin but is revived after John Travolta injects adrenaline into her heart.

What is Pulp Fiction?


It's not just nerves at the dentist! __________ is combined with local anesthetics to prolong their effects and reduce bleeding by constricting blood vessels

What is: epinephrine!


Name 2 cell types / tissues that release epinephrine and 5 tissues that have receptors for epinephrine. 

Release: Neurons, Adrenal Gland

Receptor: Heart, Lungs, Brain, Muscle, Liver, Eyes, Blood vessels, Adipose tissue, etc. 


This 2013 film, based on the real-life investigations of Ed and Lorraine Warren, features a haunted farmhouse and launched a successful horror franchise.

What is The Conjuring?


This cardiomyopathy, also known as “Broken Heart Syndrome” or “stress-induced cardiomyopathy” has been linked to high levels of epi and norepi release.

What is: Takutsubo? 


There are several artists who tried to encapsulate the rush of having this hormone in their blood by releasing songs titled "Adrenaline". Name one artist who wrote a song titled "Adrenaline".

What is Why Don't We, Lauv, X Ambassadors, Zedd, James Blunt?


What was the original intended use of the EpiPen before its current use of preventing allergic reactions? 

The EpiPen, a device for the self-administration of epinephrine in anaphylactic emergencies, was developed in the 1970s by Sheldon Kaplan while working for NASA. Originally, it was designed for the military to treat exposure to chemical warfare agents.


What two hormones are precursor molecules in the synthesis of epinephrine?

dopamine --> norepinephrine --> epinephrine 


Originating as a traditional practice in Hawaii, this extreme sport involves leaping from natural rock formations or platforms into the ocean, and is now a competitive event governed by the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series.

What is cliff diving?


In this 1974 Aron and Dutton study, this experiment demonstrated the Misattribution of Arousal phenomenon in which people can appear more attractive when the observer is physiologically aroused  - high epi!

What is: The "Suspension Bridge Experiment"?
