What is the boy scout motto?
*If failed, must do 15 jumping jacks per person.
Be Prepared
Finish the phrase. "A scout is ___"
*If failed, do sit-ups for 30 seconds.
A scout is trustworthy, loyal, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
How do you sharpen a saw? (in handbook)
*If failed, must do 5 pushups
You don't!
It is unsafe and difficult; you must simply replace the blade.
What is the difference between a four-season tent and a three-season tent?
*If failed, must do 15 sit ups.
Three-Season: Designed for spring, winter, fall. Features lightweight materials, mesh, and rain flies. Ok in moderate weather.
Four-Season: Built for extreme weather and winter camping. Has a dome shape to prevent accumulation, and made with sturdier materials with less mesh to keep warmth.
What are the 4 symptoms of stroke?
Hint: F A _ _
*If failed, must do 5 pushups per person.
F - face drooping; A - Arm Weakness, S - Speech Difficulties, T - Time to call 911
What are the four most important things to consider when choosing a campsite?
Hint: SEPT
*If failed, each person per patrol must run in place for 30 seconds.
Safety, Environmental Impact, Proximity to Water, Terrain.
What year was the Boy Scouts of America first founded?
*If failed, do 5 push-ups.