Which play is this stage direction from? Exit pursued by a bear
Winter’s Tale
Who wants the corner?
Kitty wants the corner!
Which mentor taught us how to create a solo piece?
Nilaja Sun and or Marilyn Torres
What was Epic’s 1st touring show?
Name 5 Shakespeare plays we HAVE Remixed
Macbeth, Winter tale, Taming of the Shrew, Hamlet.
Finish the phrase of: To sit in solemn silence
In dull dark dock
Which mentor plays D&D?
Anthony Vaughn Merchant
Name a remix where more than one actor played one role
Richard the 3rd
Romeo and Juliet
Taming of the Shrew
“To whom should I complain?”
Measure for Measure
Which warm up uses COVISTA LALA?
Shay Shay Coolay
Who taught you how to make immersive theatre?
Mark Harris
Which of the following venues is NOT a Remix venue?
Signature Theatre
National Black Theatre
Theatre Row
Here ARTS Center
Harlem School of the Arts
Signature Theatre
The first line of this play: “Who’s there?”
Zing-Boing-Pow: What do you say to switch places with everyone in the circle?
Which playwriting mentor taught us about the color GOLDENROD?
Mfoniso Udofia
Who wrote the Laundry City opening song?
Jeremiah Green and Randy Figueroa
Name 3 Shakespeare plays we have NEVER Remixed
Antony and Cleopatra
The Tempest
King Lear
Henry 8
Alls Well that Ends Well
As You like it
The final line of Flee Fly Flo
Which mentor is currently starring on Broadway? Hint: The show is Gypsy
Jacob Ming-Trent
Sing a line from any ORIGINAL Remix/Touring Show
Open– refer to Ron/Melissa