Sike! That's the ___________
wrong number!
What's something I bring up every time I talk about animated characters?
Voice Actors
What's the first song on KC's playlist
My Ordinary Life
Full Metal Alchemist
Riza Hawkeye
What color is Cessna fuel(100 LL)
What the ____
What do I do instead of paying attention in class
Manga :3
What topic of music is on KC's playlist the most
Five Nights at Freddy's
Actually think about this: Chainsaw Man
What does yellow mean on an aviation/airspace map?
✋ 🫲
What game does KC have 500+ hours on but doesn't play anymore?
Animal Crossing: New Horizon
What is KC's favorite anime opening?
Cowboy Bebop
18,000-60,000 MSL (Mean sea level; feet)
I like ya _____
cut G
Name any of my OCs
I'm not gonna type them all
What was KC most listened to artist in 2023
My Chemical Romance
Ouran High School Host Club
What is parasitic drag?
Anything that isn't necessary to the flight of the aircraft that creates drag/anything that isn't creating lift
What is the art of streching your Johnson?
What do I wanna be when I grow up?
What is KC's favorite Gorillaz song?
Dragon Ball Z
For a plane to fly straight up or upside down(doing tricks), what shape do the airfoils need to be?