What is Rashav’s last name.
On Feb 14, 2016, the school had this occur. This caused damage to many rooms.
The flood
These small objects caused many people to get sick. These are not meant to be eaten, but people are them anyways.
What does he have the best of?
This song, by Shakira, came out in 2005 and talks about how a part of her body is truthful
Hips don’t lie
What is Rashav’s dads name??
I don’t know
This room was made in 2016 and was used as a history room for the first year of use.
Found in Walmart, this meme became so popular that it ended up preforming on the big stage.
Yodeling kid
When does Jojo come to school.
This 2010 song by Katy Perry made top of the charts fast. It describes the girls in one part of America.
California Girls
What is Rashav’s C mod class?
I don’t know. Ask Rashav
People are no longer able to throw candy during the Halloween parade because people did this.
Threw metal forks.
This type of girl is common on one website. They often carry a specific water bottle and make a specific sound. Skk skk skk.
What is he considering doing in college?
This song from 2002 by Nelly describe the temperature in the room
Hot in heree
Who is Rashav
Just a guy being a dude
Although it was a big event, upperclassmen can no longer do this ti freshmen during the Pep Rally
This green character has a dark side.
Who does Joe share every class with?
This 2014 song by WALK THE MOON, tell you to _________.
Shut up and dance
Is Rashav Rashav??
The world may never know
Who getting fired led to the protest of over 100 students outside of the theatre in 2016.
This government facility was planned to be taken over by many people through a facebook event, but ended up only having about 12 people show up.
Area 51
Who does Jojo flirt with during English?
This 2014 song by Taylor swift talks about another one of her break ups. Of course. This title has some not good blood.
Bad Blood