
How long has Kevin been at Capital One?

What is 12 years


Elia has been at Capital One for how many years?

What is 7 years


Reilly's favorite hobby is:

A. Rock Collecting

B. Horseback Riding

C. Traveling

What is C. Traveling


Erika's favorite hobby is?

A. Horseback Riding

B. Painting

C. Glass Blowing

What is B. Painting (we all need an Erika painting!)


Stephanie's favorite hobby is:

A. painting

B. crafting

C. Karaoke

What is B. crafting


Emily's favorite hobby is?

A. Disney Karaoke 

B. Baking

C. Dressing up Tater

D. Crafting

What is B. Baking


What is Dawn's favorite hobby?

A. cooking

B. refinishing furniture

C. traveling

What is B. refinishing furniture


Which one is Kevin's biggest pet peeve?

A. People chewing loudly

B. The AI voice on tik tok

C. People who say LOL

What is B. The AI voice on Tik Tok


Elia's pet is named:

A. Spud

B. Spot

C. Bud

What is A. Spud (makes me think of Spud Mckenzie)


Reilly's biggest pet peeve is when people are?

What is Rude


Erika has two dogs, what are their first names?

What is Geoffrey & Bobby


Stephanie's Superpower is:

A. Spelling Expert

B. Super Sonic Hearing

C. Super Smell Sensitivity

What is C. Super Smell Sensitivity


Emily's first car was a:

A. Ford Fiesta

B. Red Mustang

C. Honda Civic

D. Ford Fusion

What is C. Honda Civic - 2 door to be exact


Dawn has three pets, what are their first names?

What is Taco, Remi, and Ruger


Where did Kevin choose his Gift Card too for the inning?

A. Door Dash

B. Grub Hub

C. Amazon

What is C. Amazon (because can get EVERYTHING there)


What is not one of the three unique Elia feels you should know about her?

A. Her travel companion is Bernie Sanders

B. She has been skydiving

C. She is a marathon runner

D. She is learning pyrography

What is B. she has been skydiving (yea that is a no for me too!)


Reilly's morning routine takes how long?

A. 25 mins

B. 1.5hrs

C. 45 mins - 1hr

What is C. 45 mins - 1hr (Same Reilly Same!)


It takes Erika approximately how long to get ready in the morning?

What is about an hour and 15 mins


Approximately how long does it take Stephanie to get ready in the morning?

A. 1 Hour

B. 1 Hour and 15mins

C. 30 Minutes

What is A. 1 Hour


Emily has two pets, what are their names?

What is Beana and Tater


What is not one of the three things Dawn provided for you to know about herself?

A. She's scared to death of worms

B. She has lived in more countries than she has different states

C. She has 4 brothers & 2 sisters

D. She loves seafood

What is D. She loves seafood - it's a no for me, unless it's fried shrimp)


Which one is Kevin's self proclaimed warning label:

A. The sarcasm is strong with this one

B. I'm kind of a tool

C. Coffee first then you can talk to me

D. Shenanigan instigator

What is B. I'm kind of a tool


How many pairs of shoes does Elia own? (Hint...less than 60)

What is 15


What is not one of Reilly's warning labels?

A. Caution Hangry

B. I'll be there but I'll be 5 mins late

C. Brutally Honest

What is B. I'll be there but I'll be 5 mins late (hey at least you are on the way!)


What language does Erika speak fluently? (not just plain English)

What is Sarcasm (a language I can appreciate!)


How many pairs of shoes does Stephanie own?

A. 5

B. 55

C. 15

D. 63

What is C. 15


How long does it take Emily to get ready in the morning?

A. 20 minutes

B. 45 minutes

C. 1 hour and 15 minutes

D. 1 and half hours

What is A. 15 minutes (also WOW way to go Emily this should also be your SUPER POWER!)


Dawn can count to 10 in 5 languages. True or False

What is True (German, English, Spanish, Korean, Tagalog)


What are the three unique things Kevin chose to share about himself in the survey?

A. He didn't know who Reba McEntire was pre-Superbowl

B. He doesn't really have favorites

C. He doesn't really know french he just googles it

D. He can text as fast as Emily talks

What is. A - No clue who Reba is, B. no favorites, and D. he apparently has super human texting ability 


What is not one of Elia's self proclaimed warning labels?

A. Handle with Care

B. May Exhibit Sarcasm Under Stress

C. Approach with Snacks and a Sense of Humor for Optimal Results

D. Throw Chocolate and back away slowly

What is D. Throw Chocolate and back away slowly (oh wait, maybe that is mine)


What one of these are not one of Reilly's self proclaimed unique things to know about Reilly:

A. She can count to 10 in 4 languages

B. Bucket list item to travel to all 50 states

C. Loves going to football games

D. Does not like soda

What is A. Can count to 10 in 4 different languages.


Which Self-Proclaimed Warning Label Did Erika Not Provide:

A. Use Extreme Caution

B. Can Be Petty At Times

C. Likes to Sing Off Key

D. Shenanigans Occur Frequently

E. Viewer Discretion is Advised

What is D. Shenanigans Occur Frequently


What is not one of the three things Stephanie provided to know about her?

A. She's a planner

B. She's afraid of squirrels

C. She's addicted to cheese

D. She has wavy/curly hair

What is C. She's addicted to cheese


What one of these are not one of Emily's self proclaimed unique things to know about Emily:

A. She has won an award for her baking

B. She was born with her hips out of socket

C. She is the youngest of 11 siblings

D.  She can cross one eye. Yep just one.

What is A. She has won and award for her baking (although, she probably should!)


How many pairs of shoes does Dawn own?

A. 25

B. 35

C. 55

D. 65

What is D. 65 (honestly I've lost count)
