[Legendary] "Where is he, Where is the man with whom you'll send your life?"
"'Cause it's been 20 years and we still have no king."
How many men does Odysseus have by the end of "Ruthlessness"?
How long was Odysseus trapped on Calypso's island?
7 years
"I see your wife with a man who is haunting, a man with a trail of bodies."
Who Made EPIC the Musical? (also plays Odysseus)
Jorge Rivera Herrans
[No Longer You] "I am the prophet with the answers you seek"
"Time I've unlocked, I see past and future running free."
Name two of the seven people who helped in the storming of Troy's gates. (when Ody's saying the plan in "The Horse and the Infant")
[If two of these names are said] Diomedes, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Tuscor, Ajax the Lesser, Nestor, Neo
In "Legendary" how long do the suitors say Ody has been gone?
20 years
"You are reckless, sentimental at best."
Who plays Athena?
Teagan Early
[Dangerous] "Keep this bag closed if you wanna get home, sir."
"You won't get another time to try, The raging storm inside won't let you get closer, It was meant to stop you by design."
What specific songs does Tiresias predict in "No Longer You"? (name at least 3)
Suffering, Scylla, Mutiny, Thunder Bringer, Monster, Love in Paradise, 600 Strike, Odysseus, Would You Fall in Love With Me Again.
How many times did Odysseus stab Poseidon in "Six Hundred Strike"?
"You sealed your fate, just to beat me."
Who plays Tiresias?
Mason Olshavsky
[Suffering] "Don't you miss me?"
"More than you know... Then jump in the water and kiss me."
Who was the father of the baby Odysseus killed at the end of "Just a Man"?
Prince Hector
Where was Telemachus during the events of "Hold Them Down"?
On a diplomatic mission.
"Don't you know that pain you sow is pain you weep?"
Who plays Telemachus?
[Would You Fall in Love With Me Again] "I am not the man you fell in love with."
"I am not the man you once adored, I am not your kind and gentle husband, and I am not the love you knew before."
Who dies at the end of "There are other other ways"?
What is Poseidon's god move called?
Shatter the Ocean
"Now the rest of us are no longer a threat."
Who plays Hermes?