Emotion Regulation and Riddles
My Thoughts
Myself & Therapy
Implementing Vocab

DAILY DOUBLE! For the chance to win double the points: How do emotion regulation skills differ from distress tolerance?

Emotion regulation skills can be used for everyday-use but distress tolerance skills are only used for crises. 


How can you use the 5-4-3-2-1 skill right now?

You demonstrated 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste (or the absence of)

OR you made adjustments if you do not like one of the senses


True or False: Accepting reality means learning to like it

False- accepting reality means learning to tolerate reality and focusing on solely what can be controlled.


True or False: I can control my thoughts.

False: I can only control how much I let my thoughts affect how I feel and act.


I feel best leaving therapy when I _____. 

(Hint: cannot be related to snacks or slime).

You gave an example of something that helps you in therapy. 


_____ means the possibility for opposites to exist. 



I feel one way, but act another. What skill am I?

Opposite action


What is an important thing to remember when being mindful?

You said something about being nonjudgmental, fully focused, aware, or open. 


What is the difference between a willful response and a willing response?

A willful response rejects reality, denies the truth, and fights what is happening. A willing response accepts reality and moves with it.


Would you rather prioritize the truthfulness or the workability of your thoughts?

You identified why you would prefer one over the other (workability can be more helpful, however, because it can change your relationship with thoughts and help you gain control over their power). 


DAILY DOUBLE! For the chance to win double the points: What is something you have succeeding in changing since starting therapy?

You gave an answer that aligns with your treatment plan goals.

The _____ is responsible for memory loss after experiencing trauma. 



A wise mind once said, "You cannot truly live without the balance of _____ and _____."

Emotions and logic


DAILY DOUBLE! For the chance to win double the points: How does the C in ACE help you practice mindfulness?

It helps you connect with your body which adds sensory awareness or the act of objectively noticing experiences.


What makes acceptance difficult?

You explained why you struggle with accepting difficult things. 


What is an example of defusion?

You said: cake icing, "I'm noticing the thought of," thanking your mind, naming the thought, naming the story, etc...


How can I implement a new change today to help me accomplish a goal I have been trying to pursue?

You came up with an idea for how to implement change or begin working on a goal.


____ _____ are responsible for the differing of two different people's memories of the same event.

Core beliefs


I look like a snake but I do not slither. In fact, I don't move at all. What letter am I and which emotion regulation skill do I start?



Make this statement true: 

I can still practice mindfulness when I am noticing my thoughts and how much I dislike them. 

If you notice your thoughts and dislike for them, that is okay. You can use mindfulness to identify, acknowledge, and gently move your focus away from the thoughts or your feelings towards them. 


Other than mindfulness, what is a skill used for reaching acceptance? 

You said something like half-smiling, willing hands, identifying elements of change. 


How are my thoughts involved in the series of events between a stimulus and a consequence?

You somehow described the cognitive triangle. 


How will you use what you have learned after you are discharged?

You explained how you plan to masterfully use your skills.


DAILY DOUBLE: For the chance to win double the points: What is a core belief and how were you influenced by one today?

Core belief: a deep and underlying belief that is formed through our experiences and can affect our interpretation and perception of an event. 

(For full points) You also provided an example of how your actions/emotions were influence by one. 


You would want me as a science partner because I get the job done.

I read the newspaper but throw out the opinion column. 

I can be blunt, but I can also prevent a problem.

Who am I?

Checking the facts


What's the difference between "mindfulness" and "mind fullness?"

You said something similar to:

Mindfulness is the ability to regulate one's mind and mind fullness is the opposite.


250 points per question:

1. What is something you are grateful for?

2. How can you use gratitude to increase your acceptance of something difficult or undesired?

1. You listed something you are grateful for.

2. You identified how you can use gratitude when you are struggling to accept reality. 


DAILY DOUBLE! For the chance to win double the points: What kind of fusion is mostly influencing this example thought? "I am unworthy."



What is something I avoid talking about in therapy and why is it so hard for me to talk about?

You identified a topic that makes you uncomfortable and explained why.

The ____ and ____ are most likely responsible for affecting someone's ability to think logically when experiencing a panic attack.

prefrontal cortex and amygdala


What skill am I?

I am two-faced, adaptable, and can be used for different reasons. You can use me for emotion regulation and for distress tolerance as long as you get the point.

(100 point bonus if you can guess what I stand for)


(temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, and paired muscle relaxation)


How does identifying what emotion you are feeling help you manage it?

You explained why labeling the emotion is helpful.

(Bonus knowledge: It helps redirect brain activity to the front of your brain where logic is so you can reduce solely listening to emotion mind and balance it with reasonable mind to get wise mind!)

20 points per question:

1. When was a time you accepted something painful? 

2. How did you do it?

3. How can you apply this lesson in the future?

1. You described a difficult situation that you managed to accept. 

2. You explained what steps led you to acceptance.

3. You explained how you can use the same method to continue reaching acceptance.


Name the story: (20 points per question)

1. What is a thought you struggled with today? 

2. What would you name the story of it? 

3. How can you turn the page to a new and more helpful story?

1. You identified a fused thought.

2. You titled it something like the "I'm not good enough" story.

3. You identified how you can change the story or separate yourself from it. 


What change am I scared of making and what do I need to work through my fear?

You discussed a barrier to change and how you will work around it.


_____, ______, and _____ are the 3 types of skills to explain what mindfulness is used for.

Observe, describe, and participate. 


Make your own therapy daily double for the group. 

If you successfully think of a question related to emotion regulation, you get 700 points

Every contestant who answers correctly will get 350.

You asked a question related to emotion regulation.


Make your own therapy daily double for the group. 

If you successfully think of a question related to mindfulness, you get 700 points

Every contestant who answers correctly will get 350.

You asked a question related to mindfulness.


Make your own therapy daily double for the group. 

If you successfully think of a question related to acceptance, you get 700 points

Every contestant who answers correctly will get 350.

You asked a question about acceptance.


Make your own therapy daily double for the group. 

If you successfully think of a question related to managing thoughts, you get 700 points

Every contestant who answers correctly will get 350.

You asked a question related to managing your thoughts. 


Make your own therapy daily double for the group. 

If you successfully think of a question related to therapy, you get 700 points

Every contestant who answers correctly will get 350.

You asked a question about engaging in therapy. 


Make your own therapy daily double for the group. 

If you successfully think of a question about defining a therapy term we have learned, you get 700 points

Every contestant who answers correctly will get 350.

You asked a question about a key therapy term.
