Taking Initiative
Let's Take it Back
Double Jeopardy Round
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200, 400, 600, 800, 1000

This term describes the action of being proactive, starting tasks without waiting, and actively seeking opportunities for growth.  

What is taking initiative 


Which of the following is one of the steps in the problem-solving process?

a) Task Completion 

b) Identifying the problem

c) Goal Setting  

What is Identifying the problem (b).


True or False: Resilience is important in facing life's challenges.

What is True 


True or False: You don't need to know why a goal is important to you in order to achieve it.

What is False.


What does it mean to set SMART goals? 

a) Setting goals that are random and unrelated to personal interests 

b) Setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound

c) Setting goals that are unrealistic and unattainable

What is Setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (b). 


Name one way in which taking initiative demonstrates leadership by example.

a) Waiting for instructions before starting tasks.

b) Procrastinating and delaying important actions.

c) Starting tasks without being asked.

What is starting tasks without being asked (c).


Collaborative problem-solving emphasizes the importance of: 

a) Working together as a team 

b) Working independently 

c) Ignoring others' ideas

What is Working together as a team (a).


What should you do if you're feeling really worried or upset? 

a) Ignore your feelings 

b) Take deep breaths and relax 

c) Panic

What is Take deep breaths and relax (b).


If a goal feels too hard, what should you do?

a) Keep it to yourself

b) Change the goal immediately without trying

c) Seek support or guidance

What is Seek support or guidance (c). 


When setting goals, it's important to choose ones that align with your ___________. 

Hint: These are your personal principles or beliefs.

What is values.  


This term refers to recognizing and pursuing chances for personal growth and development.

a) Fixed Mindset 

b) Learning Mindset 

c) Growth Mindset 

What is Growth Mindset (c). 


What process involves generating ideas or solutions to a problem? 

Hint: It's the process of coming up with new ideas to solve a problem.

What is brainstorming. 


What should you do if things don’t go as planned? 

a) Blame others 

b) Avoid thinking about it

c) Think about what you can learn from it 

What is Think about what you can learn from it (c). 


When you hit obstacles while trying to achieve your goals, what should you do? 

a) Ignore them 

b) Stop trying 

c) Brainstorm solutions to overcome them

What is Brainstorm solutions to overcome them (c). 


Which term describes the capacity to control one's decisions and behaviors, promoting autonomy, connectedness, psychological empowerment, and self-regulation?

a) Liberation

b) Independence

c) Self-determination

What is Self-Determination (c). 


Taking initiative helps avoid ______, ensuring tasks are promptly addressed and completed.

a) procrastination 

b) problem-solving 

c) resilience 

What is procrastination (a). 

Taking initiative helps avoid procrastination, ensuring tasks are promptly addressed and completed.


True or False: Adaptability is the ability to stick to one rigid problem-solving strategy.

What is False 


 Building resilience involves taking care of yourself by eating healthy foods, getting plenty of sleep, and __________ every day. 

Hint: It's a form of physical activity.

What is exercising, moving around, physical fitness, moving your body. All acceptable answers.

Identifying _________ is crucial for staying motivated towards achieving your goals. 

a) What discourages you 

b) What motivates you 

c) What television shows you like

What is What motivates you (b). 


A key aspect of effective decision-making is gathering ____________ information to inform your choice. 

Here's a hint: The answer starts with the letter "R" and refers to collecting important facts, data, or details to help make a decision.

What is relevant.  

A key aspect of effective decision-making is gathering relevant information to inform your choice.  


Taking initiative involves showing accountability for your actions and being known for this trait. (Hint: It starts with "R" and is synonymous with dependability.)

What is Responsibility and/or Reliability. 


Creative thinking encourages you to think _____________ and explore uncommon solutions to problems.

Hint: Think of a phrase that means thinking outside the norm.  

What is Outside the box. 


Celebrating your achievements, even the small ones, helps build __________. 

Hint: It's an important aspect of self-esteem  and starts with the letter C.

What is Confidence.


Every goal needs a clear ________ date and ________ date to outline its duration.

Hint: Think of what terms indicate the opening and closing chapters of your plan.

What is a start and end date. 

Every goal needs a clear start date and end date to outiline its duration. 


______-term goals are aimed at immediate achievements, while ______-term goals focus on objectives that require a longer time frame to accomplish.

What is short-term goals are aimed at immediate achievements, while long-term goals focus on objectives that require a longer time frame to accomplish.
