Epidemiology triangle
Chain of Infection
Modes of Transmission

What is a case?

Set of criteria used in making a decision as to whether an individual has a disease or health event of interest.


What is a host?

An organism from which a parasite obtains its nutrition and/or shelter.


What is an active carrier?

An individual who has been exposed to and harbors a disease-causing organism for a certain period of time despite recovering from the disease.


What is a pathogen?

a bacterium, virus or other microorganism that may cause a disease


What is Direct transmission?

Mode of transmission that involves direct physical contact, such as touching, kissing or sexual intercourse.


What is a primary case?

The first disease case in the population.


What is an environment?

any factors that affect the spread of the disease but are not directly a part of the agent or the host


What is a healthy or passive carrier?

An individual who has been exposed to and harbors a pathogen, is in the beginning stages of the disease.


What is a reservoir?

any person, animal, plant, soil or substance in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies.


What is indirect transmission

Mode of transmission that occurs when pathogens or agents are transferred or carried by some intermediate item, organism, means or process to a susceptible host, resulting in disease.

What is a secondary case?

Those people who become infected after a disease has been introduced into a population and who become infected from contact with the primary case.


What is an (infectious) agent?

Microorganism that actually causes the disease in question. An agent could be a bacteria, virus, fungus, protozoa, or parasite.


What is convalescent carrier?

An individual who harbors a pathogen and who, although in the recovery phase of the course of the disease, and is still infectious.


What is portal of exit?

The site from where microorganisms leave the host to enter another host and cause disease/infection.

What is Airborne transmission?

Mode of transmission that occurs when bacteria or viruses travel on dust particles or on small respiratory droplets that may become aerosolized when people sneeze, cough or exhale.


What is a suspect case?

An individual/ or group of individuals who has all of the signs and symptoms of a disease or condition; but has not been diagnosed as having the disease or has the cause of the symptoms connected to a suspected pathogen


What is an epidemic?

a disease outbreak where there are more cases than expected in a given area or group of people over a period of time


What is an incubator carrier?

An individual who has been exposed to and harbors a pathogen; is in the beginning stages of the disease; is displaying symptoms; and has the ability to transmit the disease.
What is portal of entry?
The site through which microorganisms enter the susceptible host and cause disease/infection.

What is Vector-borne transmission?

Mode of transmission that is transmitted viac vector such as mosquitoes, flies, bugs, or ticks.


What is an index case?

The first disease case brought to the attention of the epidemiologists.


What is an epidemiology triangle?

A concept that helps us understand the inter relatedness of the host, agent, environment and time that contributes to disease outbreaks.


What is an intermittent carrier?

An individual who has been exposed to and harbors a pathogen, and who can spread the disease in different places or intervals.


What is mode of transmission?

Route or method of transfer by which the infectious agent is transferred from one place to another.


What is Vehicle-borne transmission?

Indirect transmission of an infectious agent that occurs when a vehicle or fomite touches a person’s body or is ingested.
